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Start from the beginning

. The car ride was boring and the second we got to where this jet was my dad dropped us off and sped off. Not even a 'see you later' or a simple bye.

     The jet was a decent size. I sat in the very back as far from my brothers as I could because it's a long ass flight and I just want to relax without having someone constantly annoying me. The door was still open and I was just waiting for them to close it. Thats when my eyes meet his eyes.

     I smirked and he walked to the very back and sat next to me. His hand was on the arm rest when I saw his bruised and bloody knuckles.

"What did you get yourself into now, Cole?" I said while looking at his knuckles. I ran my finger over them as he winced in pain. I looked down at my hand seeing my bruised knuckles

"Nothing to worry about." Cole finally responded.

"I have a first aid kit let me at least clean the blood off." I said while rummaging through my purse that had a bunch of junk in it.

He just nodded. I started cleaning it and I put a bandaid over it.

"Be careful you're not the hulk." I said with a smile.

He laughed but then he leaned in towards my face.Our faces an inch apart. I could feel his breath. We were centimeters away from each others face now,but I heard something and it made me jump. It was nothing but it scared me, it was Hunter's snore.

I laughed and looked down not wanting to look at Cole because I felt awkward. I was normally never like this. I was a flirt and I never got nervous form just being around a guy. Wait, he's not just some guy though. He's perfect, yeah at first he annoyed me but its different now.

He lifted my chin and made it to where I was looking into his eyes.

"I want you" he said as our foreheads now rested on each other

"I want you too Cole."

Lust and love are two completely different things. I didn't love Cole but I lusted for his touch. Like a kid in a candy shop who sees the candy and wants it....

I leaned in and smacked my lips on his. I unbuckled my seat belt and sat on his lap not once breaking our kiss.

"Mam, please buckle up we are ascending ." The steward said as she kept her hands over her eyes.

"Fuck.Off.Lady" he said between kisses. Like that the lady scurried away to the front of the jet.

  Our tongues intertwined and his kisses soon trailed down my neck onto my chest.

"I'll show you how I please my women. I don't need to be careful because I know your not virgin. I'm gonna rock your world mi amore." Cole said as he pulled down the thin straps of my romper kissing my collar bones with those soft lips.

"Ok Cole Moretti..." I gasped out.

Our bodies glided together with such ease as if they were meant to be. His kisses became more sloppy as we both reached the end of our euphoric state but it was perfect to me.


"Congratulations Skylar Hayes you now have a member ship at the mile high club." Cole said while panting for breath as he moved me up off his body slowly.

     We were both sweaty but I had thrown my clothes back. I have no clue how my brothers didn't wake up cause as much as I tried I couldn't keep quite. Thank god that they're very heavy sleepers. Guilt consumed me because I shouldn't of let that happen. It wasn't the right place or time.

     When we landed this black Cadillac picked us up. I went with Cole because I was going over to his house while my brothers went to the house. We arrived to Coles house and it was only about 2 streets down from mine. It was a huge house just for him. The second we got into his house he threw my bags on the floor and kissed me. He picked me up and I guess we went to the closet room.

Cole was amazing in bed, I now know what I was missing out on.

I laid in the bed as Cole played with my hair.

"God you're beautiful." he said as he gently kissed my neck.

I just smiled.

"Cole if you don't mind me asking what happened to your brother?" I asked as I turned to where I was facing him

I watched as he took a few deep breathes "I was little but the cobras killed him.His name was Giovanni, he was only a kid." He looked away as if it had brought some bad memories.

"I'm sorry." I said. How is one supposed to react all you can do is give your condolences and that's it.

"What happened with your mom? Heard she was still pretty young from what your dad had said." Cole asked as he adjusted the pillow

I froze, I don't like talking about what happened with my mom not because of why but because it brings back all those horrible memories that I had tucked away and I didn't want them to come back up. I trust Cole though he better not break my trust because I don't hand it out to every person.

I took a deep breathe. My eyes began to water as all the sad memories came back like a whirlwind...

"Her name was Layla. My mom was gorgeous but when I was 4 she was diagnosed with cancer and it was gone for a while after. Although, it was gone she was always so sick and since my dad was never there I had to do everything for her. When I was 9 they found it again but it had spread so quickly and we all knew it was too late. I watched my mom slowly fade away but every Sunday no matter how sick she was she would try and make me waffles. Then she became so frail. I was only 9 and I was taking care of her all day so I was online schooled. One day she just didn't wake up and my dad was no where to be seen..." I cried out stopping a few times because the wave of emotions was too much.

I missed my mom so much although it's been seven years but not a day goes by were I don't think of her.

"Where are you going?" Cole asked as I quickly stood up wiping the tears off my face.

"Home." I softly saw before throwing on my clothes and running out of the house without saying a word.

It was dark outside; There was a soft eerie cold breeze,The street lights' flickered here and there, only a few houses had their lights on still. I took a few deep breaths in the driveway but I hear a noise coming from the side of me. I quickly dart my head towards it but see nothing, it was just the bushes rustling with the breeze.

I started walking down the street not that far down. I felt someone's warm breathe on me.

"Cole I said I have to go home." I said as I quickly turned around seeing it wasn't Cole but it was a guy wearing a mask who then plunged the knife into my stomach.

I let out a blood curdling scream as the adrenaline faded and the guy ran off into the night. From my blurry vision I saw Cole run out of his house and towards me. I held onto where I had been stabbed and looked at my hands which were covered in blood. Normally its someone else but this time it was mine. I was feeling dizzy. Everything felt funny my eyes were slowly closing even though I tried to fight it.

"c..cole..." I mumbled out then the darkness slowly began to consume me. I blinked here in there seeing Cole leaning over me waving his hand over my eyes.  I felt him pick me up and started running to somewhere. I was in and out of consciousness.

"Sky stay with me! I need you don't you close your eyes. You're going to be okay."

Thats when things went black.


This chapter was really long and I apologize but to get to the direction I want this story to go I need to get things moving and not taking forever. I thought I should tell you guys how her mom died because it was never really said so yeah. Next chapter is kinda sad but once you read it you will see what I'm doing. Thanks for reading vote if you enjoyed it!!

- Liz

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