Leave Swara..!! (Chapter 14)

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Sanskaar pov

I simply went and caught Swara's hand and dragged her out of the hall and took her into the room..!!

While doing so I heard Mom, Gayatri ji shouting but I DON'T CARE...!!!

After entering the room.. I shouted at her..

"CHANGE..!! "

I could see the fear in her eyes..!! But I don't care..!! How could she..?? How could she dance like that..??

Did she the know the meaning of dancing like that..?? Shit man..!! This girl will go to any extent for this family without thinking about herself..!!

And I really hate this about her..!!

I was in my own thoughts when I could sense her still in those clothes..!! Again I shouted at her..!!

" I said something Swara..!! Go and change..!! "

But she stand still..


She slowly with steady steps went to change..!!

I wanted a change of atmosphere.. I wanted to go out..!!

I left her and started going out..!! Then I heard Mom calling me..!!

" Ji Mom..!! "

" Sanskaar.. Come and ask forgiveness..!! "

" Forgiveness..?? For what..?? "

" Sanskaar.. Pls don't make it a issue..!! She just wanted dancers but in last minute it was cancelled and without any option Swara has to do it..!!! "

" Mom..?? U know what does it when she danced like that..?? "

" I know beta..!! I am helpless.. With much difficulty I found this match pls don't ruin it..!! Just ask forgiveness and the rest I will manage..!! Pls.. "

" Mom..?!?!?! "

" Pls..!! "

And Mom dragged me..!!

Unwillingly I asked for forgiveness..!! And rest Mom handled it..!!

Soon the situation is in control..!! Getting an opportunity I escaped out..!!

I sat in car and drove off..!!

I was searching for a place which could give me some peace..!!

I saw a park nearby.. Don't know why but a sudden urge rose in me to go inside..

I parked my car and went inside..!! I settled myself on a near by bench..

Then my gaze caught a man playing with his daughter..!! Unknowingly I started to imagine myself in the situation..!!

Even I dreamt that I would be playing with my daughter.. I would be fulfilling her small small wishes... Her smile.. Her cute antics.. Me running behind her.. And much more..!!

I wanted to do all those..!! But I think destiny has planned something else..!!

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulders.. I turned back.. It is Swara..!!

Don't know how she came here..?? She must in the house taking care of the function but she with me here..?? This is something which is unexpected..!!

" Swara.. The wedding planner..!! Here..?? Leaving the function and coming to her so called husband..?? Any reason..?? " I said sarcastically

" Sanskaar..?? Pls.. "

" What pls Swara..?? What pls..?? "

" I know I shouldn't had danced like that... " her words words were incomplete..

" Ohh so u knew..?? I thought u did it unknowingly..?? "

" Sanskaar.. I didn't had another choice.. Gayatri ji wanted a dance performance and the dancer couldn't turn up last minute.. So.. " again she is left incomplete..

"  So u thought u could dance instead of her..?? Don't u know what it means.. Dancing like that..?? Or u just wanted to hurt me like before..?? "

" No Sanskaar.. It's not like that..!! Why will I wanted to hurt u.. U r my.. " Sanskaar interrupted

"  U r my what swara..?? Husband..?? Then where is sindoor and mangalsutra..?? Where are they..?? "

" Sanskaar u know the reason why I am not wearing those..?? "

" Yeah.. I know..!! That is the biggest secret which nobody couldn't have not find out..!!"

" Sanskaar pls..!! "

" Swara.. Leave..!! "

" Huh..?? "

" I said leave Swara..!! I didn't bring back laksh na..?? So leave..!! We will meet only when I bring back laksh..!! "

" But Sanskaar..?? "

I SAID LEAVE SWARA..!!! " I shouted at her...

She left crying leaving me devastated..!!

After she left.. I sat their for hours together without any other further thinking..!!

Just idly.. Without doing anything.. Just admiring the bond of that father and daughter..!! And I can sit like that day and night if I could see them..!!

Soon it was getting dark so the father and daughter left the park making me think what was I doing there..???

And I remembered the whole incidents of morning and Uttara's engagement..!!

Shit man..!! Uttara would be waiting for me..!!

I immediately rushed home..!!

End of Sanskaar pov

Swara's pov

He asked me to leave...!! That one word made my heart sink..!!

I know I made a mistake... No it is a sin to leave him.. But did he just asked me to leave..??

My Sanskaar..?? No swara..!! He is not ur Sanskaar..! He has changed and the reason behind his this behavior is u..!!

U have forced him to change..!! U lost ur Sanskaar..!!

But also I can't just leave him like that.. I will have to make sure that he reaches the house safe..!!

After making him believe that I left.. I came back and hid behind the tree keeping an eye on him..!!!

I saw him seeing towards someone..!! Tears made their way down..!!

I know..!! I know how much he loves kids and how much he wanted one..!!

But right now it is not possible.. It is not possible in this situation..!!

But I promise Sanskaar.. Once Laksh come backs.. I will give u this good news soon..!!

End of swara's pov

She promised something to herself without knowing about Sanskaar Decision..!! Something which would shatter her whole existence..!!

After some time even she left seeing Sanskaar leaving to home..!!

Precap : Uttara's marriage.. Laksh coming back..

So guys here goes the next episode..!! Sorry couldn't update..!!

Thanks for the response on the previous one.. Hope the same continues..!!

And few more episodes to go...!! So any request of scenes then pls do tell me..!!

This is deeksha reddy signing off..

Stay tuned..!!!

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