19: Waiting For Normal

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Chapter nineteen

Short chappie.

I froze in my tracks,  unable to  speak  or move. I wanted to pick  my feet up  and walk  my way over to  this stranger and smack  him across his face for what  he said.  And i wanted to  scream  at him for thinking he could tell  me he knew what  happened to  my brother.

But there was part of me who  wanted to  follow him and find out what  he has to  say. Even  though I knew that  was not the intelligent to  follow some guy you literally just met and knew literally nothing about.  Given  the circumstance,  he said he knew something about my brother's death.

''Miss Casinova?''

''Who are you?''

''If I tell you,  promise not to  do anything?''

''I guess..?''

''I am  the son of the people in the other car.''

   and I froze,  literally froze in my tracks.

   I didn't remember when  I started to move, but when  I did I knew exactly what I was doing.  I picked my purse up in one hand and launched it towards him and screaming utter nonsense. 

    He gave me a bewildered look as to say I was crazy but I didn't  care what  he thought.  i didn't want  to hear what  he had to say.

    The lady down the hall opened her door a tiny bit and hesitatingly asked if things were alright.  I gave her a death glare and she hurriedly retreated inside her humble home and I could hear the bolt lock  up tight and the footsteps scurried away.

    The boy wouldn't leave either,  he just kept trying to reason with me.  Did it look like I wanted to reason with him?  i mean  i was yelling and throwing whatever I could at him.

   Oh yeah,  I totally wanted to reason

   After a half an hour of fighting with him,  he finally gave up.  His head was down low as he walked past me and turned towards the elevator.

   He pressed the button to go down  and turned towards me in a swift movement.  ''They were drunk idiots,  I'm very sorry, but I thought you might be interested to know my father was sent to jail  and my mother was murdered by someone who wanted justice for your brother.'' He said quietly. Then the elevator slid open and he hesitatingly stepped in. 

   I could see a tear rolling down his cheek. As I was about to scream,  'Wait!' my phone went off and the doors closed tight on the elevator.

    Well didn't I feel like a jerk...

     ''What?''  I snapped.  I didn't bother to check who it was before I answered, so  I guess it wasn't a smart idea to snap at them.

    ''Roni baby, where are you?'' It was Scott,  someone I didn't want to really talk to at the moment.  I mean, I know that  was kind of harsh considering he didn't really do anything,  but I just didn't want to talk.

    I quickly hung up before I could regret it and I broke into a soft sob that  lead to many others much louder.  it sounded as if a dying animal was in the building.

    I quickly picked up my purse that  I had launched at the man  and dug out my keys.  I shoved them  into the key hole and turned it several times before I got it right.

    I  get up on my bed and curled underneath the sheets,  hoping to fall asleep before my crying got worse.

    My phone had never rung so much in a day before too...

   A gentle knock woke me up from my slumber about four hours later.  At first I thought I was in a dream as i made myself get up and open the door. Except I didn't exactly make it to the door.  Instead,  I tobbled over a box in the path to the door and banged my head against the door. I let out a scream,  but i didn't hear it at all.  Before I knew it,  I was back asleep, or at least I think I was sleeping..

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