3: Waiting For Normal

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   The night of Monday came by a little too soon then  I actually thought it was.  Just earlier I had a weird conversation with both Sam and my sister,  Calla.  I had no  idea what  was going on with them,  but hopefully it was nothing.

   I was sitting down  on my bed,  writing in my diary. That literally no  one on the face of the universe knows about.  Well, Sam  might because,  well  he is more then  nosey sometimes. Or all  the time actually.

   I had no  plans for tonight.  So, I sat there in my black  tube top  and my very short pink  shorts. I'm talking about booty shorts here. Which woulds be embarrassing if anyone saw me in them.

   That was when  I heard my door buzzer go  off. And that  was also  when I realized my plans for today.

    ''Awh crap!''  I  said out loud on accident.  How could I honestly forget Sam  was coming up  tonight?

    I practically ran  towards the buzzer and held the button in.

    ''Roni?'' I heard his husky voice go through. I vaguely remebered it from the guy Calla had been  talking to.  No way,  that  would be impossible.  Sam  and Calla?  Ha,  as if!

   ''Hello,  Roni,  ya there?'' Well,  that  made me snap  out of any train of the thoughts I had began  already.

    ''Oh,  uh yeah,  come on up.''  I said unlocking the doors for him to  come in.

   I sat back  on my bed and hid my diary under my pillow as Sam  walked into my apartment.

   ''What's with outfit?''  He asked,  cocking up  an  eyebrow. Of course,  me being me,  I had forgotten  what  embarrassing clothing I was wearing.  I froze stiff, trying to  come up  with an  answer.

   ''Trying to  impress the impresser?'' He said with a small  chuckle.  I rolled my eyes. This was the typical  Sam  I knew and loved.  Loved like a best friend that  is. It was as if I hadn't went off to  college without him now.  He hadn't been  mad at that  fact, and wasn't sure what college he went to  himself,  but we were tight no  matter what.

   Calla was the one who  didn't understand why I hung out with him so  much.  Before college, she was always complaining that  I was wasting my time with a boy I didn't even  want a love relationship  with.  But that  was Calla being Calla.

   ''So,  whatcha wanna  tell  me?''  i asked,  sounding a bit of a redneck. On purpose of course.

    ''Oh, yeah,  you just wanna get it over to  get rid of me, right?'' He joked.

    I rolled my eyes at him and stood up. He gave me a questioning look,  but I ignored it.  Instead,  I headed towards the living room section of this small  apartment. I plunked myself down  on the sofa and switched on the television.

   ''Don't care to  know,  no more?'' Sam teased.

    As if I were a seven  year old instead an adult, I pretended like I didn't know Sam  existed. Not that  I was mad or anything, though.  Heck,  I don't know if it was even  possible to  stay mad at Sam  for real at a very large amount of time.  I just didn't think  it could be down.

   Sam  sat down  beside me and did his trade-mark  thing.  Smirk. Smirked as if there was no  tomorrow. He made no  comment,  he just smirked.  That sometimes could get annoying.  Because he  smirks at anything and everything I do.  Talk  about irritaible.

   ''Oh god not the Bridesmaids again.''  Sam  complained.  This time it was my turn  to  laugh at him.  ''Can't we watch  something... No anything besides this?''

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