Waiting For Normal

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   Ronica Casinova, or as she prefers Roni, just got out of college.  Exciting huh? Well  for her,  she is beyond happy.  She can't believe it is finally time for her to  start her life with the career of a life time. Which is event planning. It was what  she wanted to  ever since she was a little girl.  Mainly because that  is what  her older brother,  Drake,  would have wanted for her.

  With no  love life of her own,  she figured it would be easy to  focus on her career planned ahead. She had decided during her college years that  she would wait a few years to  get into  her working habbit until  she had a real  boyfriend.  It worked out for the first couple of months until  she had a call  from her family.  She vaguely could hear her mother speak  after a few short words though.

     ''Ronica, could you please come home?  Calla had just got engaged to Sam!''  Sam  being Roni's all  time best friend since freshmen year at high school. She couldn't believe the words that  her mother spoke to  her.  Why hadn't Sam  told her before? And most of all, why did her younger sister have to  be enngaged and getting married before her?

     Was that  enough for Roni  to  change her mind about the relationship  status? Considering Calla,  her younger sister,  hadn't thought twice about the situation. Heck,  if Roni's mother hadn't called,  Roni  would have never even  knew.

        That comes to  collusion,  why didn't Sam  tell  her about any of this? And even  though she knew she was falling for her co-worker, she wondered if she should change her mind about not being in a relationship  for a long while.

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