9:Waiting For Normal

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    ''Are you sure you are okay?'' Scott asked for probably the ninth time in the past two hours.

    ''I am positive.'' I lied.  I honestly wasn't fine.  I was still  freaking out that  someone had stole my diary.  I hated that  fact,  I didn't have the slightest clue of who could and would want to steal  my diary.

    I knew that  I'd have to  turn  around quickly to  hide my tears in a few moments.  Or else my cover would be blown.  I just wanted things to  be normal. As normal  as it could get at least.

     I sat down,  facing the opposite direction of Scott,  and attempted to  reply to  these emails. Scott and I were working on a wedding set-up.  I hadn't actually met the bride or the groom.  Actually,  i haven't met up  with anyone from this wedding planning.  Scott didn't tell  me much detail  except that  they were getting married in about two  months. I knew none of the names,  but I didn't really ask. So  I guess it was a little my fault for not knowing.

    ''Roni,  look at me.''  Scott demanded.  I hadn't realized that  my face was soaked with tears.  I really had no  idea.  Although,  I didn't know how I couldn't have noticed I was pretty much sobbing. Yeah,  I probably shouldn't have came to  work  today.  But,  I did as Scott said and turned my chair to  face him.  I looked at him,  only to  see the guilt in his eyes.  For whatever reason for that.

    ''I know you weren't fine.''  He mumbled under his breath.

    I didn't know why, but some reason for the two  and a  half months I've worked here,  we have been  extremely close in the last two  weeks or so.  I couldn't explain why though even  if I wanted to. There was no  way in the world to  know why we suddenly became close.  I just didn't know.

    And now he pretty much knew everything there was about me.  i told him about my sister and Sam. How I refused from time to  time again to  make an  appearance in my family's life. You name it, he knew it I guarantee it.

     ''Come on.'' He said after a few minutes.  I scrubbed the tears off my face furiously,  so  to  not make more of a fool of myself.  I hated to  cry in public.  Heck,  that  was a childhood fear even.  But right now?  I seriously didn't care.  Scott could think  what  he wanted about me,  I just didn't care.

    Scott pulled me up  to  my feet effortlessly and gave me a brief hug before he connected our arms together and walked out of the office.  He made sure to  grab my purse and his pager on the way out.

    ''Elly, I think  Roni  is done for the day.  I'll be back  to  finish up  for the both of us though.''  Scott said with a  little wave to  Elly.

   ''I'll be sure to  distract the boss when  he comes back  from lunch!''  Elly said happily and with that  said, Scott pretty much dragged me out of the work  building. He opened up  his truck door and gestured for me to  climb in. Like I had much of choice...

    ''I don't want to  leave.''  I whined, expecting nothing but being forced to  leave.

    ''You are going home.''  He said firmly, showing not emotion what so  ever.

     ''Not if I don't get in the truck.''  I said.  Okay,  so  maybe I was pushing my lucky here at this.

     ''Get in.''

     '' No. I am  going back  to  work.''  I said and spun  on my heel.  I wasn't even  seconds before he responded,  shocking me.

     ''DAMN  IT! GET IN THE TRUCK!'' He yelled furiously.

    Needless to say,  I got in the truck.

      ''Sorry.''  He whispered as he got in the truck  himself.

     Now that  was some major mood swing there.  From angry to  apologetic?  That was just....Strange. Well  that  was one way to  describe.

      He drove off once he made sure I had my seat buckle on. So  now he was protective? Yup,  just gets weirder as the seconds go by.  I realized after a few moments that  he wasn't taking me home.  But, in fact,  taking me back  to  that coffee shop  that  we always go  to now.

    ''What are we doing here?''  I asked,  obviously confused.

    '' It's a coffee shop,  what do think?'' He said with that  cute smirk  forming on his face.

     ''Well...Yeah,  but you told Elly you were taking me home not to  a coffee shop..?'' I put it into  the formation of a question,  not sure why,  but I did.

       He waggled his eyebrows at me, causing me to  giggle on and off at times.

     ''Well, I lied.''  He said and grabbed me by the waist.  He pulled me in the coffee shop  and forced me to sit down  while he went to order the coffees. I fiddled with my phone as I heard it buzz  Basically scrambling inside my purse to  find it.  It wasn't my phone though.  It was Scott's pager.

    I wasn't really thinking,  so  I opened up  the message.  It, of course, had to  do  with the wedding we've been  helping set up.

    ''Casinova and Martin's wedding date:  December 29th.''  I cut off,  i didn't really read anything else.  I didn't need to at all.

    This whole time I have been  planning my sister and Sam's wedding.  That was why Scott didn't tell  me,  because he knew I'd turn down  the offer.

    Scott came back  with the coffees and realized I was fuming up  about something or another.  He set the coffees down  and slid one over to me.

    ''Something wrong?''  He asked while cocking up  his eyebrow.

    ''Why didn't you tell  who's wedding it was? I can't believe I've been  planning my sister's wedding this whole time!''  I was angry yes, mainly at Scott that  he didn't even  think  to tell  me.

    ''Well  you wouldn't still  work  there if you knew who we were planning for,  would you?''

     I seriously didn't feel  like talking with him now. Sure,  I thought I was  falling for him by this time,  but I didn't care.  I got up  from my seat and pushed the chair back  under the table.  I walked out the door, not knowing nor caring if he was following me.

   I walked down  the road, in utter silence until  he shouted at me.

    ''Roni!''  He yelled and ran  down.  It didn't take no more then  a few seconds for him to  catch  up  to  me and grab a hold of my wrists,  forcing me to  face him.

    ''Let go of me!''  I hissed as I struggled to loosen  his grip  on my wrists.

    ''I'm sorry that I didn't tell you.''  He said instead of listening to  what  I told him.

    ''Appolgy accepted,  now let me go!''

     ''You're just saying that  so  I'll leave you alone.''

     ''So  what?''

    ''So. I want you to  mean it.''

    i rolled my eyes at how childish he was acting.  He expected me to  just forgive him like that  and move on? I think  I have a little more sense then  that.

     I leaned in close to  him and whispered,  ''I forgive you.''  And kissed hm  on the lips,  full on.

     Okay,  or I don't have more sense then  that.


Whatcha think  of Scott now?

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I think  this  is the shortest I've written  in awhile -Apologizes!

Waiting For NormalTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon