The bad boy's boy is brave ~

Start from the beginning

"yo are you okay ?" Kyle snapped his fingers in front of me. I looked at him.

"yeah I'm fine. So tell me more about yourself " I said looking at the boys. Jayden looked at me curiously.

"Are you gay?" Jayden asked bluntly. If I were eating,I would surely choke.

"no I'm not gay. I love burritos " I told him.

"Oh shit so I won't be able to hit on you" he said sadly

I chuckled, I didn't feel attracted to boys. Although there is one boy I felt a pull too. I hated him. It was pure hatred.

"hey do you wanna hang out after school ?" Kyle asked turning around to look at me.

I was going to sleep after school. Sleeping and eating were my after school priorities. But I also wanted to make new friends, since I never had any.

"yeah sure, but I don't know where you live " I told kyle. He looked at John, John rolled his eyes sighing.

"don't worry I'll come and get you, then we'll go to his house " he said before taking a bite of his sandwich.

"but you don't know where I live" I stated.

"you'll be riding with me, if that's okay with you " he said. I nodded in response.

"you don't talk much, do you?" Ethan asked me.

I was about to answer him but kyle beat me to it.
"that's what I told him" he eagerly said smiling. Again giving away his sunny like smile.

"no I don't talk much " I said looking at Ethan. I could feel John his eyes on me, making me uncomfortable.

"oh shit" Jayden whispered looking pass kyle.

"what's wrong?" I asked him.
He was about to speak but closed his mouth.

"Hello baby" a husky voice said.

I felt Kyle stiffen beside me. I turned to look around and see who it was. It was a very sexy and gorgeous boy with green eyes.

He sat down beside Kyle. Kyle scooted closer to me.

"hey christian" Kyle mumbled under his breath. The boy named Christian wrapped his arm around Kyle, pulling Kyle towards him, while glaring at me.

Possessive much?

"Who are you?" He asked looking at me, giving me a hateful look. Kyle rolled his eyes.

"I'm Evan. And you are?" I asked him, wanting to know who he is.

"Kyle's boyfriend" he said possessively, as if to tell me to back off

"No need to act like this, I love girls" I told him, he relaxed taking his hands off Kyle, kyle breathed out.

"So you have a girlfriend?" He asked.

Now the thing is I've never had a girlfriend, of course after I moved away I had a friend, but girlfriend never.

"I did have a girlfriend but we broke up after I moved here" I said

Lie lie lie.

"That must have been really hard on you" kyle said sympathetically.

"Yeah it was" I answered him.

Why did I even lie?

"Look who just walked in. Your leader christian" John said in mocking like voice.

The badboy's boyWhere stories live. Discover now