New in Town

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The next three days of school went by fast! I made two new friends. Sherri (but everyone calls her Cherry) I met in English. She is so beautiful! She has red wavy hair down to her shoulders and the clearest skin I have ever seen! And her friend (who I was introduced to at lunch) Marcia. She was kinda quiet at first but warmed up to me. And get this, their both Socs!

Anyway, as we walked together home from school one night we came across this group of crazy boys all whistling to us from the vacant lot.
Cherry fixed her posture and stood up tall, "Just keep walking and ignore them," she said, "their a no good greaser gang." She said with a very icy tone.
Honestly, I hadn't thought but I guess they didn't know I was a greaser too! I ran with a gang up in New York because I was with the group leader.
I tried to look away and do as Cherry said but I wanted to walk over there and knock some sense into those boys. Marcia could tell something was up with me.
"Now don't go lettin' them boys get under your skin, Bella." she said to me.
"Oh no," I chuckled, "trust me I won't." I said knowing that I was lying to myself.
When Cherry and Marcia dropped me off at my house they invited me to a movie later that night. I agreed to meet at 9:00 but I would have to sneak out. I got in a huge argument with my dad because 9:00 isn't even that late! The argument ended (like usual) with me stomping up to my room.

As I sat on my bed I thought about those boys in the lot. I closed my eyes and remembered then hootin and hollerin at us. I thought it was HILARIOUS! I tried to put on that sassy act because I didn't want Cherry seein me laugh at that. I kinda wanted to stop by that lot later and maybe bump into one of those boys. Maybe even give em a good punch. I laid back on my bed and fell asleep still thinking of those boys.

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