"That sounded a little gay."

Start from the beginning

"Did you see them when you went over there?" He asked Harry, who shook his head no.

"Why are you eating like that?" Niall asked, catching Harry's attention.

"Like what?" Harry responded, glancing down at his pizza.

"Picking. Like a bird or something." Niall said.

"Sorry, I'm not a fan of vacuuming it down whole." Harry sneered.

"I thought you liked this kind of pizza." Louis said.

"I do, it's fine." Harry said dismissively.

"Well then why are you picking?"

Harry sighed. "What is this? Judge Harry day?"

"Every day is judge Harry day." Niall chuckled.

Harry gave him a look.

"Sorry." He mumbled, smiling.

"Yeah Niall. Some people eat like a vacuum, others like normal people, and very few like birds." Louis chuckled.

"If I was a bird I'd shit all over your car." Harry told him.

"Yeah? And I'd shoot you out of the sky and have you for dinner." Louis said back to him.

The three of them chuckled before their smiles faded.

"That sounded a little gay." Niall said.

"I know, shut up."

Harry frowned. "What was gay about it?"

"Him saying he'd eat you for dinner." Niall replied.

"Can we drop it?" Louis asked sharply.

"It was a joke, there's nothing gay about that." Harry scoffed. "You two are so sensitive."

"Oh, us? You're the one who cries at The Notebook like once a week." Louis chuckled.

"Whatever." Harry snapped, dropping his plate on the coffee table and stomping out of the room.

"Harry!" Louis called, sighing when he realized he wasn't coming back.

"Why has he been acting so weird lately?"

"Dunno. Think he likes Liam and Zayn better than us now?" Niall asked, looking genuinely concerned.

"I don't care if he does." Louis said quietly, even though he did care.

What was wrong with Harry?


"Zayn." Liam said, appearing in his doorway that evening.

The girl had left hours ago after yelling at Liam because he refused to take her back to her dorm.

He claimed he couldn't drive because he just woke up and still felt drunk, even though it was almost three in the afternoon.

After being yelled at he disappeared in his room, and had just resurfaced.

"Hm?" Zayn hummed, putting his comic book down.

Liam glanced at the nightstand, seeing the diary was gone.

"Who was that girl you were with in my bed?" He asked, saving the diary questions for later.

"Girl?" Zayn frowned.

Liam's eyes widened. "It was a guy?"

"It was Harry. You probably didn't recognize him with his hair down." Zayn chuckled.

Liam was stiff, staring at Zayn. "Why were you and him shirtless together in my bed?"

Zayn stared back at him a moment, slowly standing up. "We were shirtless because neither of us like sleeping in shirts. Harry needed somewhere to sleep because of the party at Louis and Niall's. I needed somewhere to sleep because some drunk idiot passed out in my bed."

"Any more questions?"

"Yes actually, but not about that." Liam said, feeling bad now.

"Um, why do you have some girl's diary?"

Zayn blinked.

"What diary? What are you talking about?"

"I saw it, Zayn. Why do you have it?" Liam asked, giving him a look.

"I'm just holding it until I can take it to the lost and found." Zayn shrugged casually.

"How'd you get it?"

"I found it."


"I don't know! What are you, a cop?" Zayn snapped, sitting back down.

Liam stood there a few moments. "...So have you read it?"


Liam smiled some. "That's wrong, Zayn."

"So? It's interesting." Zayn smiled as well.

"Yeah? How?" Liam asked eagerly, making Zayn realize his mistake.

"Uh, I don't know. Just is. I'm not reading any more of it, and you're not going to either. Okay? It stays untouched until I take it to the lost and found." Zayn said sternly.

"Okay." Liam chuckled.

"Oh, that reminds me, I need to go get those earth science notes from Harry." Zayn said, getting back up.

"You know if you took your own notes you wouldn't have to-"

"I'm aware." Zayn said, walking past him.

"Can I come?" Liam asked, following him.

Zayn smiled, shaking his head as they left the apartment.

Louis let them in with a loud greeting when they arrived, he and Liam doing some weird handshake.

"Where's Harry?" Zayn asked.

"Still pouting in his room." Niall answered.

"Thanks." Zayn said, walking off.

He found Harry's room, knocking on the door.

He could hear music coming from inside.

Was it...Fleetwood Mac?

Suddenly it stopped. "W-Who is it?"

"Zayn. I uh, came to get those notes?"

He heard movement, and the unzipping of a bag.

Zayn frowned, looking down and watching the notes slide out from under the door.

"What're you doing?" Zayn chuckled, picking them up.

"....Giving you the notes." Harry said quietly.

"Did I catch you at a bad time?" Zayn asked.

Yeah with a face full of makeup, Harry thought.

"Um, sort of. N-Not a really bad time. I just uh, I um, just got out of the shower." He lied.

"Okay..." Zayn said slowly, deciding to ignore his strange behavior and look over the notes.

The handwriting was exactly the same.

"Well thanks for the notes." He said.

Zayn bit his lip, trying not to smile.

This was going to be fun.

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