Early hours

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Nicks Pov

I reflexively yawned loudly arching my back in the cramped office chair and tried to focus on the glaring bright computer screen in front of me. No such miracle happened instead nearly falling asleep at my desk.

I take a long sip of my now stone cold coffee hoping the caffeine rush would awaken my weary body into action.

It was honestly insane how anyone could burn the candle with all these late nights. There had recently been a solved case: mass terrorist group arrested and uncovered bringing justice and peace to the city once against

Yada yada big hero and the bad guys go to jail like your typical Disney movie.

Except it wasn't all glamorous fairytales being a cop. Oh no. Guess who had been lumped with the large amount of paperwork now in front of me. Had I had any of the glitz?

Certainly not. My nights now consisted of typing up documents into the early hours of the morning in a dark crummy office. This was not at all what I had signed up for.

"Man I am actually beat" I stretched again scratching the back of my head "how long left?"

I turned to face my partner who looked back at me thoughtfully. She raised her eyebrows spinning back around on her chair. Why hadn't i got one of those swivel chairs anyway?

"I reckon another couple of hours" she paused "that is if he lets us off lightly. It's looking like it could be another 6 am job"

I groaned sinking back into the chair "I'll be honest carrots I don't think I can last that long"

"I swear to god nick I will hit you. You will stay up and you will finish that paperwork." She swatted my shoulder, receiving another loud groan from me. Owww since when was she so strong?

"And what did I tell you about calling me carrots?"

Oh she knows she loves it.

I chuckled flashing my signature smile "Oh come on it's an endearing term"

She crossed her arms sulking "not endearing it's annoying"

"I find it cute. Much like you" I reply turning up my killer watt smile a notch causing a momentary flush to spread across her cheeks.

So I do have a effect..interesting.

"Calling a bunny cute when you are not that species is just offensive" she stated with her voice a few pitches higher.

"Awww did I embarrass you carrots?"

She turned away, rapidly typing on the keyboard hoping he didn't glance over to see it was a jumble of random words.


She gritted her teeth continuing with the paperwork trying to ignore him.

"I've already told you not to call me that? When will you ever actually listen?"

Hmm never

I got out of my chair and casually leant against Judys chair causing her to jolt upwards.

"You made me jump" she muttered

"You were ignoring me" I replied

"And you came over why?"

She tilted her head up as if to gauge an answer before looking away.

Truth is I wasn't exactly sure why himself but i could hardly respond with that. Judy would only laugh and make a mockery out of me lightly shaking her head the way she always did when I screwed up which was quite often.

I fiddled with my tie anxiously unsure of what to say before glancing up at her. Her widened indigo eyes sparkled in the dim light and i couldn't help but be lost in them. She blinked gazing up to me as we locked eye contact for the first time that night.

Wow she was beautiful. Wait what am I saying?

My stomach is a mix of nerves churning with a fluttery sensation as I stared transfixed, feeling my cheeks heat up further. Why am I feeling this way? I was never at a loss for words however at this moment I felt anything I would attempt to say would come out in a jumbled stuttering mess.

I Nick Wildes. I know. She had that effect on me.

Judy coughed looking away causing the moment to be broken as reality broke in bringing me back to his senses. 


"So" I stated breaking the silence.


"I don't know"

I laughed nervously before shuffling back to my desk. Judy smiled picking up her mug and taking a long sip.

Great one nick. Real smooth


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