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Tsuna's P.O.V 

"Tsuna, I need to speak to you," Astrid told and I waited for her to continue, but she looked around the area and said, "not here, lets go somewhere more private." I followed Astrid round the village and she took us to a secluded area where no one would see or hear us. I was getting unnerved by the deafening silence as she just walked on without saying a word. 

Suddenly, she spun round and touched my chest which caused me jump back and panic. She stared at me for a few minutes before saying, "You're really a guy?" I've been compromised! I began to shout out apologies, but she covered my mouth. "Ok, enough with that, I'm giving a chance to explain yourself so explain," she removed her hand from my mouth and I tried to give a proper explanation without revealing too much.

"When I first washed up on the beach Hiccup automatically thought I was a girl and Gothi was amused by this so she asked me to keep up with the charade. She wanted to know how long it would take for someone to figure it out," Astrid was lost in thought of the information presented.

"So Gothi's the reason you were depicted as a girl to the village but why were you dressed like a girl in the first place?" She queries.

"My teacher swapped my normal clothes with that to humiliate me," I deadpan, reminiscing all the times he's embarrassed me. I began to apologise again for tricking everyone, but she wasn't angry at all.

"I'm not mad but I am disappointed. We trusted you yet you were lying all this time, but I know you're a trustworthy person since you stuck up for Hiccup and you don't want to hurt him, intentionally," her eyes soften once she mentioned his name, "speaking of Hiccup, what are you going to do about him?" She asked me, but I was confused.

"What do you mean?" She looked at me like I grew a second head.

"You do know that Hiccup has a major crush on you. Don't you also like him since you two practically make goo-goo eyes at each other," she nearly shouted out the last part. 

I vehemently tried to deny this, "I don't like Hiccup that way!" I cried out, "I mean, sure I land in his arms a lot, and sure I may stare into his dreamy forest, green eyes for a while or count those adorable freckles, maybe I get a little disappointed when I leave his arms..." I trailed off once a saw the knowing look on Astrid's face. I repeated what I said in my head and came to the realisation, "I like Hiccup" I stated in shock .

"And he finally gets it," she says, amused which caused me to look at her in disbelief.

'Doesn't she care that we're both males?' I voice this out.

"Not really," she said, nonchalantly, "Hiccup was known as the village screw-up in the past so he deserves to be happy especially with someone he likes who also returns his feelings," there was a  small pang of guilt that stabbed through me on hearing those words .

"That can't be me Astrid," I express, sadly. We're both from different world's, literally. I came by accident when I go back home I doubt I could back here even if I did a relationship wouldn't work. We both have family and friends in our respective world's so I can't stay here neither could he stay in mine. We're both going to leaders, a duty that we cannot abandon and no matter how much I argue with Reborn, I will end up as Vongola Decimo. This was doomed from the start.

"I can't be with him," saying that out loud broke my heart, "what should I tell him?" I asked on the verge of tears. She didn't like what I was saying but seeing the look on my face she knew I was breaking down.

"Tell him the truth," she said it like it was the simplest thing in the world, "if you can't accept his feelings then just stay as friends." Friends? I started to laugh at how easy the answer was.

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