The Night and the Fury

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3rd Person's P.O.V

"Okay, gang, over here," Hiccup called, "tomorrow's training mission was actually Astrid's idea, so I will let her explain," that got the rest of the teens groaning, offending the Viking girl as they complained that she always made it hard and listed her previous ideas.

"Hand-to-Claw combat?" Fishlegs brought up his bandaged hand.

"Spine-Dodging?" Snotlout stated.

"Hot Lava-Swimming?" Tuffnut said, making the riders wonder what he was talking about.

"We never did that," Astrid deadpanned.

"Yeah, but you should've," he smirked, "way better than Hand-to-Claw combat."

"I have to admit Astrid, your training missions are a little too unrealistic for a normal person to do," Tsuna admitted, sheepishly.

Astrid rolled her eyes at his response and tried to reassure the others, "Well, this mission is easy. Dragon Island. You just have to go from this beach on the East side to this cave on the West side." The other riders muttered that it didn't seem to hard and that's when she dropped the bomb on them.

"At night. With no camping gear. And no dragons," every point she said made them groan louder. Snotlout questioned why such a thing was necessary.

"To work on our stealth skills and our wild dragon defence," She said and Hiccup was quick to agree with her.

"Astrid's right. We all know how strong we are with our dragons, but we have to be able to survive and defend ourselves if we ever get separated with them," his reasonable logic frustrated the riders as they knew he was right.

"Trust me. It'll be fun!" Astrid tell them, but the teens don't believe her.

Tsuna's P.O.V

Time Skip

We arrived at Dragon Island, dead at night, on the east beach. We all lit up our lanterns and the others checked if their weapons were in top shape.

"Okay, one of us will have to skip the drill and take the dragons to the cave on the other side of the island. That way they won't try and help us," the second Hiccup said that, a wild Nadder appeared, attacking us, but the other dragons protected us and drove the Nadder away.

"Just like that. Ok! So, who's going to watch the dragons?" Fishlegs tried to volunteer, but was cut off by Tuffnut. There was a small disagreement between the two but Tuffnut won as Hiccup agreed that Fishlegs needed the experience. This caused the larger viking to sulk as he could find no fault in Hiccup's logic.

The riders began to say their goodbyes to their dragons. Toothless tried to follow his rider but Hiccup tried to turn him around.

"No-no-no-no-no, Toothless. You have to go with Tuffnut," he says, "I can't believe I'm saying this either, but, uh, he's the boss!"

Tuffnut took this in pride, "That's right! You heard that! Boss-man! Head Honcho. The Big...Boss-Honcho...Guy. The Honch-Boss," he was trying so hard to find different synonyms. "Hey, anybody know where this cave is?" Everyone stopped and stared at him in disbelief.

He announced that he was joking, but that didn't reassure us as he then said he didn't know himself if he was joking. He then began to leave with the dragons following him, but before they got out of ear-shot I yelled out, "Barf, Belch! Babysit Tuffnut!"

"No promises! Especially if he starts telling those lame scary stories!" They yelled back at me.

"This training mission is going to fail," I admit out loud as the others were heading into the forest. Hiccup told me to have faith in Tuffnut but I knew he would most likely going to fall asleep and the dragons would sneak out. And I didn't need my HI to know that would happen.

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