Kaylee and Anthony ❤

Start from the beginning

Take this man's hand and run with him. Her heart was saying, but she didn't want to jump to conclusions. Kaylee didn't want to risk being hurt.

"I'm not smooth, I just know what I need." Anthony defended.

"And you need me?" Kaylee questioned.

"Yes, you just have something about you Kaylee. I've been looking at you all night. It's not just beauty, I feel like my soul is connected with you." Anthony ranted once more.

His words were starting to get to Kaylee. Anthony was explaining every single thing that was going on in her mind.

"It sounds like you're confessing love to me Anthony." Kaylee laughed slightly, only half joking.

"Maybe I am." Anthony's face stayed straight, a strand of hair hanging in front of his forehead. 

"Walk with me." Kaylee said suddenly grabbing her bag and throwing some money on the table. Without question Anthony got up with her. When he passed his table, he paid for his food and followed Kaylee out the door.

"What's the rush?" Anthony caught up with Kaylee, grabbing her hand.

"No rush. Just wanted to get out of there." Kaylee replied, silently melting into Anthony's hand.

"Where to?" Anthony asked.

"I don't care, lead the way." She smiled.

"You sure?" His eyebrows raised again.

Kaylee nodded, "I trust you."

Anthony led Kaylee to a home, that she assumed was his. The whole walk there Kaylee couldn't keep her mind off of what Anthony said in the diner.

I love him. She thought to herself, but how? They hadn't known each other for twenty-four hours yet. Was love at first sight even real?

Kaylee sat on Anthony's couch, flipping through the channels on his TV as Anthony insisted. She stopped on MTV as they were playing classics from the late 70's.

Rod Stewart's Do Ya Think I'm Sexy began to play and Anthony's face lit up.

"I'm a big fan of Rod Stewart." Anthony said as he turned up the TV and bounced up from his seat.

He flipped his hair as he lip synced along to the song. Kaylee filled the room with her laughter and claps.

Kaylee soon joined him. They danced and sung along to the song together. The atmosphere in the house was incredibly cheerful. It was like the two of them had been together all of their life.

Soon the song was over and Kaylee collapsed onto the couch. "That was awesome." She grinned.

Anthony plopped down next to Kaylee and wrapped his arms around her. "You're awesome. This has been the best night I've had in a while." Anthony said looking down at Kaylee.

"Hardly a night, " Kaylee giggled, " just a handful of hours."

"Whatever it is, I love it." Anthony pulled Kaylee closer, his face just inches from hers. She never noticed how gorgeous Anthony's lips were until she was this close to him.

"I don't know if this is too soon, if so I'll let you slap me, but I love you." Anthony had finally let the words out.

"Who cares if it's too soon? I love you too." Kaylee replied.

Anthony stared at her lips. He licked his own and slowly leaned in. Kaylee met him halfway and felt the fireworks go off in her body.

When Anthony pulled away he smiled widely, "I'm glad you do.  That would be an extremely awkward moment there if you didn't."

Kaylee giggled, "Oh shut up and kiss me Anthony."

Anthony laughed and very happily obliged.

((Author's note))
Okay, alright, I know I'm late. I'm sorry about that KayleeHager I literally rewrote this 5 times and it still didn't turn out as great as it could've been.

I still hope it was somewhat enjoyable and request are still open! I'll rewrite this again Kaylee and it'll be much better the 7th time I promise 😂

Word count: 1,098

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