Having a good time

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It's the next day since I talked to Kenzie and I wanted to do something for her to get her mind off of stuff. While I'm driving I want to think of something to do. We are about to arrive to Birmingham Alabama. We could go to the mall. I call Gabbie. "GABBIE!" She rushes from her room of the bus. "WHAT?" She yells. "Come here I need to talk to you." She groans and sits in the passenger seat. "Ok." She says. "I want to go to the mall for Kenzie. So I need you to get everyone in the kitchen please." I politely say. She nods and goes to get everyone. I pull over at a gas station in Birmingham. "Okay. We are going to the mall." I slightly yell. Everyone cheers besides Kenzie she is on her phone. "We are going to the mall hun." Alley says getting Kenzie's attention. "Ok have fun." Kenzie replies. "No you are going to and you are going to have fun." I say stepping closer to Kenzie. "Why?" She groans. "Becuz you need to have fun. Now be happy. You get to go shopping." I say. She puts on a fake smile. "Yay shopping." She says sarcastically. "Don't be such a fucking loser." Yazzie says. I slap her across the face. "Don't be such a fucking bitch." I remark. Kenzie grabs my hand. "It's fine. We can go to the mall and we can have fun. Now apologize please." She says nicely. I simply apologize and get back to driving while everyone gets ready. Kenzie sat beside me. She was wearing black ripped jeans and a white tank top. "Let me drive so you can get ready." She says. I let her drive and go to my room to get dressed. I put my hair in a braid. I put on a nice shirt and some jeans and sit in the passenger seat. "Doesn't someone look beautiful." Kenzie says playfully. "Thank you. So do you." I reply. "So why are we going to the mall?" Kenzie asks. "So you can have a nice time to not worry about anything. We can have fun and go shopping it will be nice." I reply. "Okay. Thank you. I really need this. Can we get our nails done?" She asks. "No problem and definitely. Omg I need my nails done." I reply. She excitedly claps her hands and squeals. "Don't fucking move your hands or we're gonna die." I say. She laughs and nods. "Don't worry. I'm not that bad at driving." She says. 
We arrive at the mall. We all split up. I go with Kenzie and Alissa. "Lets go shopping then we can get our nails done." I say. Kenzie and Alissa agree. We go shopping we saw our friends a few times. We got new clothes and shoes. We go to get our nails done. "What color are you getting?" I ask. Kenzie shrugs. "Maybe black with my middle finger white." Kenzie replies. "That would be amazing. I might get blue with my ring finger gold." Alissa says. "What are you getting Stacy?" Kenzie asks. "I'm going to get all black with the TOP sign on my ring finger." I reply. "Ooh should I get stilettos?!" Kenzie asks. Me and Alissa agree. She squeals and jumps up and down. "I will too." Alissa says. "Me three." I say. We get our nails done and take pictures cuz why not. We promised we would meet everyone at the front at 5. It's 4:52 so we start walking to meet everyone. "Hey girls!" Isaiah says. "How was the mall?" Aris asks. "Oh it was amazing!" Kenzie and I say in unison. We laugh and wait for the others. Once everyone meets us we go back to the bus. Jarret says he wants to drive so I let him. I walk to Kenzie. "How was your day m'lady?" I ask as I sit next to her. "Amazing thank you Stacy!" She says as she hugs me. "Anything to make you happy." I reply. She smiles. "Oh can I have my phone back?" She asks. I totally forgot I took her phone. I took it cuz I knew she would want to check it and she wouldn't have a good time and it would've probably made her stressed. "Oh ya sry. I put it in one of the bags." I say pointing to our piles of bags from the mall. We both laugh. "I'll help you find it." She says. We go through about 50 bags until she finds her phone. "Thank you for today Stacy. I don't know how much I can thank you. It really was amazing. I love you." She says. "Awe I love you too. And I don't ever want you to forget that. Now lets post a picture of our nails!" I say. She laughs and gets out her phone. We call Alissa and take a picture of our nails. "Aaaaaannnnnddddd posted." Kenzie says.

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