The Bus

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     It's been four hours since we left the restaurant, and been on the road so I walk up to Kenzie and nudge her. She looks at me confused so I motion towards Gabbie and she nods. She begins to speak, getting the rooms attention. "I need the people I am rooming with to meet me in our room, please." Kenzie says standing up and walking back to our room. Gabbie, Destiny, and Brent get up and walk to the room. Everyone else watches in silence.
I walk in the room confused, as does everyone else. Kenzie starts to speak up, "Kaylie wants to room with us." Gabbies eyes widen she shakes her head protesting.
  "No, no, no, Kaylie is not rooming with us." Gabbie starts Brent looks confused. I step in making sure nothing bad happens.
  "Come on Gabbie, just let her room with us." I speak up. Gabbie looks around, and notices something she could use in her case.
  "There's not enough room in here for five people. So she can't room with us." Gabbie says, Brent steps forward.
  "I can go room with someone else?" Brent suggests. Kenzie looks at him confused.
  "Who would you room with?" I ask, Kenzie nods also wondering, while Gabbie just looks mad.
  "I'll room with Emma, and Makayla they seem pretty chill." I nod in agreement, as does Kenzie. But Gabbie protests again.
  "You wouldn't want to leave your, whatever y'all are, now would you?" Gabbie asks. Brent looks at me and I shrug my shoulders, he nods.
  "No I'll be fine, plus Kaylie wants to room with y'all so I will room with Emma, and Makayla." Brent finishes, Gabbie tries to protest but Brent walks out before she can.
  "Kaylie looks like your rooming with us." I say as I walk into the kitchen. She jumps up and down and claps, she gets her stuff and walks into our room. I show her where she sleeps, but she protests.
  "I don't wanna sleep in a bed with you, I wanna sleep in a bed with Gabbie." Kaylie says, I just nod and leave the room to grab Kenzie and Gabbie.
   "She wants to sleep with Gabbie." I say immediately regretting it.
   "Excuse me?" Kenzie says.
  "I mean she wants to sleep on the same bed as Gabbie." I correct myself, Kenzie nods agreeing while Gabbie just sighs.
  "Kenzie can't you take her?" Gabbie asks.
"I believe she wants to sleep in the same bed as you, Gabbie. Isn't that right Kaylie?" Kenzie says and gives Gabbie a smirk. She looks at Kaylie and Kaylie nods. "There you go, you share the bed with Kaylie." Kenzie finishes.
   "Fine." Gabbie says sighing in defeat. I lead her to where she sleeps and let her get her stuff organized. "Looks like your sharing a bed with Dora." Gabbie smirks at Kenzie. Her eyes widen but she just nods, I nod in agreement.
  "I'm fine with that, as long as Tiny is." Kenzie says looking at me.
  "I don't care, Kevin." I say as Kenzie laughs remembering our inside joke. Gabbie sighs as she exits the room mumbling something that sounded like you guys are no fun to mess with. I shrug it off and exit the room to see everyone on their phone in the group chat on Snapchat. Kenzie walks out of the room on her phone running into me.
  "Oh sorry, luv." Kenzie says not looking up from her phone at all, I'm a little shocked how she could tell it was me. "You should get on the chat, I see your phone is still in your pocket." She says still typing on her phone. I'm a little amused how she is doing this but i decide to ignore it and I pull out my phone to see the group chat going chaotic. I laugh seeing what Yazzie had sent. It was a picture of her with a double chin and her tongue out. Everyone laughs after seeing the photo. We all get off our phones at it seems to be 11:30 pm so everyone gets ready for bed. I get up from my chair and go in the room to change. Once I'm done changing I get in my bed, Kaylie walks in wearing her pajamas and she climbs into bed with Gabbie and goes to sleep. Kenzie comes in shortly after and goes to sleep beside me.
I wake up in the middle of the night and check my phone. I read the screen that says 2:00 am I get up making sure not to disturb anybody. I get a glass of water and drink it at the counter. I hear footsteps and turn around to find, Stacy. She just looks at me and I answer her stare, "I wanted a glass of water." She nods, still tired and rubbing her eyes. She gets a glass from the cabinet and fills it with water.
  "So how's the trip going for you?" Stacy starts, I look up from my cup I've been staring at.
  "Pretty good." I answer she leans back against the counter and sighs. "What do you want, Stacy?" I ask she shakes her head,
  "Oh nothing," she starts "just thinking." She finishes I look up at her.
  "What are you thinking about?" I ask she just shrugs,
  "Stuff." She starts, "so who are you rooming with?" She asks, I look at her confused and she raises and eyebrow so I answer the question.
"I'm with Gabbie, Kaylie, and Kenzie." She looks at me with a smile. "What?" I ask.
"I meant who are you "rooming" with." I laugh at  the quotations she adds. I nod my head.
"I'm "rooming with Kenzie." I say, Stacy spits out the water she was drinking. I furrow my eyebrows at her. "What the hell, dude? Don't make a mess." I say.
"Um, sorry. I was just a little shocked." I raise an eyebrow at her, she continues, "I never thought she would actually "room" with you." Stacy admits.
"Well I guess you were wrong." It's late and I want to go back to bed so I just sigh and leave to my room.
"Dor-" Stacy starts but I close the door before she can finish what she was saying.
I walk in and see that Kenzie is awake she yawns and asks me,
  "Are you okay?" I answer with a simple nod, "what were you doing?" She asks I look at her and answer.
  "I wanted some water." She nods and lays down. "Ima go back to bed so talk to you in the morning." I say. Kenzie nods.
  "Okay, luv." Kenzie says as I go to sleep.

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