Desert potato

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Although most potatoes dwell in the lands of dirt, some live in the grainy dunes of sand. This specific potato was named Patata (potato in spanish).

Patata enjoyed living in the sand because no slugs were there. There was nothing but cacti and weird howling mouse that screamed like their lives depended on it. Patata thought the noise was a glorious music that blessed his ears that did not exist.

Potato had a somewhat boring life. There wasn't much to do in the desert besides sun tan. Potato hated suntanning. All it did was burn his skin and shrivel his body. There was no other potatoes besides one, but he accidentally died from sticking himself on a cactus. They had been playing "roll down the sand hill", but had forgotten to scout for cacti. That had been the last potato Patata had ever seen.

But Patata didn't mind. He loved to be alone, buried in the hot and cold sand beneath the surface of the desert. But one day, something scooped him out of the ground.

Patata was startled by jostling around his home. Then there were the shapes of two ugly howler mice staring at him.

"This.... this is what a potato looks like?" One of the two said, almost disappointedly.

"Yep, that's me!" Patata the potato said.

"It's lumpy, and talks weird." The other mouse said.

Patata was hurt. "You don't look that great either." He pointed out to the mouse. And it was true. The mouse had patches of fur hanging off of it in big clumps of ugliness. The mice ran off crying.

That was the best day of Patatas life.

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