Chp.22~ Terry-Tots

Start from the beginning

How? Why? Why would Hallie do something so cruel. What have I ever done to her? People were probably making memes out of me. I would become that kid that frighten me in my dreams.

I pushed myself up against a wall, I slowly slid down curling up in a small ball. Breathing was difficult to accomplish, and even when I felt that I had the ability, it came with sharp rasps and loud weeps. I squeezed my eyes shut, wanting the floor to just swallow me whole. The pain overwhelmed me and I felt my lungs had gone tight.

"Teresa?!" I heard Lola faint voice shouting. I felt her hands grab my arms that hugged my legs tightly to my chest. I could feel me yelling, screaming even, but the sound wouldn't play in my ears. The one thing that I had fought so hard to leave came creeping up behind me.

Her arms slid off of me. I felt alone, I felt cold. I felt that no one could help me. My misery had now stained the minds of hundreds, thousands! Thinking of the problems that I faced in my future cut into my skin deeper and deeper. I needed to hear Trevor's voice. That was the only thing that would help.

"Lola's POV"

She balled up in the corner. I didn't know what to do. In this situation there wasn't much I could do. She started to weep, but she didn't look like she knew she was crying, almost as if her soul detached from her body. I walked up to her. Soon the weeping turned into screaming. I knelt down beside her. I had a feeling she had know clue what she was doing.

"Teresa?!" I tried yelling, maybe then she would snap out of it. She continued to scream even after I tried touching her arms so she knew that somebody was here for her. If she kept this up, the people outside will start having suspicion. I knew that I wasn't what she needed, she needed Trevor, I knew that that was her secret key to everything, but I also knew that he lived hours away, so that wouldn't work out.

Then the light of my brain turned on. I know Henry isn't Trevor, but they have been friends since second grade, maybe he could help. I rushed out of the bathroom and down the halls, searching for Henry.

"Lola have you seen-" Caleb came rushing up to me, but I soon interrupted him by still running passed. Right now the only thing I cared about was my best friend who was having a panic attack at this minute. I rushed though the halls, I looked into windows and everything, but nothing.

I'm so stupid! I thought to myself. The gym, of course that was where he was going to be. There was still ten minutes until school started, and every popular person went to the gym to hang. I looked through the large class. I looked through the mess of girls and boys, but soon I was able to make out Henry's famous hair and tall figure. Now, I would do anything for my friend, and if he didn't look my way in the next five seconds I will pry him by his teeth to follow me. But as if on cue, he looked my way through the window. I gestured for him to come out. He quietly snuck out without his friends noticing.

"Is it Teresa?" He guessed.

"correcto!"  I grabbed his arm and paced to the the girl's restroom. I nodded my head. He took a deep breath.

"You better hurry up, you wouldn't want people seeing you with me." I glared at him. He looked down before rushing in as I stood guard for whoever tried to entered.

"Teresa's POV"

I had managed to calm myself, only a little bit though. I still felt dizzying and my breathing was still off.

"Teresa?" I heard a voice, though this time it wasn't Lola's, except it was Henry's. I looked up, my vision wasn't a hundred percent clear, but I could make him out.

"Henry I-" Henry interrupted me. He sat down beside me and held let me lay on his chest.

"It's okay." His warming voice spoke. He stroked my hair as I continued to cry on his chest. I wanted him to be Trevor, but Henry has known me for a while, having him here help times a million. Soon my off breathing turned into a simple one, my crying stop for the only reason as I possibly didn't have another tear left. 

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