Chapter 3

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Me: Chapter 3 of Deep Slumber. In Chapter 3, Green had found out what happened to Gold and therefore decides to help Red and Silver. Now, they thought of their plan on how to save Gold.

The boys thought and thought until Silver had an idea. "I have an idea!" Silver said. "What is it, Silver?" Green said. "Well, I think that whoever set the curse, maybe we can defeat that person. Then the curse will be broken!" Silver said.  "That's a good idea, but who planned the curse?" Red said. "Hmm...." Green said. All of them thought about who was the person who set the curse on Gold. Poor Gold. He was so innocent and he was put to eternal sleep.

Red thought about Gold when he looked at him. The cute face, the pink cheeks, the black wavy hair, the amber golden eyes that were closed, and the pink pale lips. Red looked at him and realized he had to go and left with Silver and Green.

When Red left, a man with a hat walked inside and touched Gold in the face. "Don't worry...You do not have to worry about that boy anymore, Gold...Or should I say..." The man leaned near Gold's ear amd whispered.


The man was none other than Giovanni.

Giovanni himself. He was the one.

He was the one who put Gold in a deep slumber.


Red caught up with Silver and Green and they looked around. They had to find who was the person who placed Gold in the slumber.

Green thought about the plan. Silver was staring at the ground as if he saw a Pokemon near his feet. Red looked around and noticed a green star that looked familar to the one Gold felt for. Red looked away quickly. Green looked at the star and followed it. "Huh? Green, come back!" Silver said, calling out to him. Of course, he did not listen and kept following it.

Green kept following the star. "Come, Green...Let us play..." The star said to him. Green reached out and was about to touch the star.

Red and Silver ran to him.

"DON'T!" Both Red and Silver said.

Sadly, Green touched the star and suffered the same fate as Gold did. He was also put in a deep slumber. "No! Green!" Silver yelled.

Green didn't wake up. He was put in a sleep.

A deep sleep.

Just like how Gold suffered...

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