Chapter 2

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Me: The second chapter of Deep Slumber.

Red placed Gold in the bed. Silver placed the blanket on Gold. Luckily the blanket was warm. They set the bed up for Gold. Gold was in deep slumber. They don't know how to get Gold out of the slumber. "What are we gonna do now?" Silver asked Red. "I don't know." Red replied.

"Something about that green star that Gold followed seemed suspicious." Silver said. "Yeah, I agree." Red replied. "Anyway, I'll be outside of the room." Silver said and left the room. Red hugged Gokd to himself. Why Gold? Why him? Why not him? A lot of questions ran up to Red's mind. Red looked at Gold sleeping. He kissed his left cheek. "I love you, Gold." Red said and left the room.

Silver and Red left the house and went to Viridian City. Where they met Green. "Hey, Green!" Red said to Green. "Yo." Green said and they both did a bro fist. "What's up?" Silver asked to Green. "Nothing much. You?" Green said. Red and Silver then made a worried face. "What?" Blue said.

After explaining the whole situation...

"Wait, what?!" Green said. "Gold got placed under a curse where he is in a deep slumber." Red explained again. "Oh my god..." Green said, apparently he was shocked. "Well? Will you help us?" Red said. Green thought about it in his mind. "Hmm...Okay, I'll help out. After all, you do like Gold, Red." Green said to Red. Green knew that Red liked Gold because Red told him how he felt about Gold. Red blushed a little. "Y....Yeah." Red said.

After taking Green to Gold...

Green looked at Gold sleeping on the bed. "Hmm...Do you guys remembered what caused this?" Green asked to the boys. "It was a green star that was actually a curse." Silver said to Green. "Oh, I see." Geen said to Silver. The boys then thought of a idea how to save Gold from the curse he was under.

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