Chapter 1

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Me: The first chapter of Deep Slumber.

Gold is walking around Kanto with another trainer Red. Gold had fallen in love with Red. He didn't even admit it just yet. He would always blush when he is around Red. He was also walking with one of his friends, Silver. Silver was hot-tempered but still nice around Gold and Red because they are his friends. 'Why do I feel so nervous around Red?' Gold thought in his thoughts.

Silver was walking with his Totodile. Luckily he was treating it right. Gold was walking with his Cyndaquil. Red was obviously walking with Pikachu. Gold sort of felt jealous of that. He wanted to walk around with Red. On the other hand, Red also had feelings for Gold. He just couldn't tell him. When he saw the first sight of Gold on Mt. Silver, he fell in love with him during their battle together. Gold saw a green glowing star and he followed it. Red and Silver didn't notice this until they didn't see Gold. Cyndaquil turned around and barked at the direction where Gold's was following the green star. They followed Gold quietly. It seems the green star saw them because it went left and Gold followed it. The green star sprayed sleep powder on Red and Silver and their Pokemon. Gold kept following the green star. It led him to the woods, deep in the woods.

Meanwhile with Red and Silver...

Red, Silver, and their Pokemon woke up and saw that Gold and the green star was gone. They ran deep in the woods. "Gold!" Red said. "Where are you, Gold?" Silver said.

Meanwhile with Gold...

Gold and the green star was deep in the woods. The green star waited for Gold to touch it. Gold held out his hand, ready to touch it. Red and Silver caught up. Gold backed his hand away. He then touched the star. The star glowed and glowed at Gold. Gold then fell to the ground. Red and Silver saw it and ran to Gold. "Gold!" Both Red and Silver said. Red tried to shake Gold awake, but Gold didn't wake up. "No..." Red said. "The green star did something to him, did it?" Silver said. "Yep." Red said. Silver leaned down and listened to Gold's heartbeat. "His heart is still beating." Silver said as he heard Gold's heart beating. Red carried Gold and Red and Silver walked away.

They knew that Gold is alive but they found out what condition he was in. He was in deep slumber from the green star.


It showed a man with a Team Rocket coat on. He chuckled at the sight from the green star. "Finally, So that golden boy doesn't get in my way." The man said.

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