Chapter 18

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Edited the 29th of January 2020: I've cleaned up the grammar, fixed most spelling errors and cleaned up the language a little, hope you enjoy!

We spend the rest of the day cleaning up the apartment, Whitey went to the Hokage and told him what had happened and even bought paint on his way back, he also brought his friends; the lady that thinks that I'm a cat and the other guy. And they both brought supplies to fix everything that was broken, they also helped collect everything that had been broken and they took pictures of all the damage done. Something about collecting evidence.

I didn't really care; they were helping and that was more than enough for me. Whitey stayed close to me once he returned, he was pissed as well, but he seemed to be trying to keep my temper in check. Surprisingly it worked; just him being there calmed me, not that he needs to know that.

Once all the pictures were taken and all was cleaned up Whitey's friends still stayed, they fixed up the holes that littered the walls and painted said walls afterwards. I personally worked on the bedroom, where I noted the depressed look on Naruto's face and the sad looks that he threw at the toy frog, that had gotten quite the tear in the break in. The frog had already been photographed and was amongst the things that was going to the garbage, but I picked it out of the garbage, before it could be thrown out. Whitey noticed as the only one, but he didn't say anything and just let me put it in my bag, so that I could patch it up later. The frog however gave me an idea for Naruto's room and by nighttime his room had been colored spring green and had a moss green carpet, I had hand painted grass along the bottom edges of the walls and his bed, that hadn't survived the break in, had been changed for a new one, which I had painted grass and leaves on as well.

All across the room frog toys perched in different places and all in all it was swamp/frog themed, and it wasn't bad. Naruto seemed to love it. In the rest of the apartment the spring green went as a red thread, coloring walls and a few small trinkets that Whitey's friends had brought for the place. We had used orange on pillows and trinkets as well to brighten up the place, since Naruto seemed to like the color that much. I had gone through the whole apartment after we finished and placed frogs and a few other animals in a few chosen spots, all in all it was completely changed, unrecognizable even.

Naruto loved it.

The thing I appreciated the most was how Whitey and his friends had gone through and changed the windows with reinforced windows and changed the door for an 'unbreakable', 'ninja-tested' door to make sure that Naruto would be safe in his own apartment.

That night we stayed at Naruto's apartment once more, but so did Whitey. He sat next to me on the floor by the bed, that Yuuto and Naruto were sleeping in, while I patched up the toy frog. He didn't say anything, he just stayed by me the whole night; he didn't even go to the living room where he could have been sleeping on the couch. Nope, he just went to sleep on the floor next to me, leaning on the bed. For whatever reason I didn't mind. Though I really should.

I really, really should mind this.

But I didn't.

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