Thoughts (probably 1)

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What would happen if all those ships weren't real?

I just think of this-

England is either just friends with America. France doesn't very much tease England. And most of typical relationships with other countries.


England: hello America

America: sup, need something?

England: no, just wanted to say hi.

America: *waves* catch you later

England: (in his head: what a good guy)

France: Anglettere? You seem out of it.

(Forgive me for this)

England: There is this girl....

(Most likely reader-chan 😂)

France: *smirks and wiggles eyebrows* You should ask her out~ I can help you if you want.

England: that would be terrific.

Russia: Privyet, Belarus.

Belarus: Privyet, Big Brother. *hugs softly*

Russia: *hugs back* Da

(I almost put Ukraine in with Belarus's personality)

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