𝐢𝐯. 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐝

Comenzar desde el principio

"Where's the Master?!" Natsu questioned.

It was at that moment that the rest of the guild got a look at the strange female their friends had discovered; messy dark brown hair, a golden-brown complexion, and the eye which they could see was a bright shade of crimson that matched the muffler around her neck. Besides that, her entire body was clad in dark clothing. Not to mention the miniature dragon on her shoulder.

She was a strange sight.

"Is that a dragon around her neck?!"

"What type of magic does she use?"

"The Master's in his office!" The same voice from earlier answered, but this time Rose was able to see her face. It was a tall, pretty woman with long silvery-white hair and bright blue eyes. Rose's eyes caught onto the woman's gaze as they exchanged a long look, taking in each other's appearance.

"Thanks, Mira!"

The woman and Rose broke their staring contest when she turned to Natsu and waved happily. "It was no problem, Natsu!"

Lucy proceeded to drag the cautious phoenix slayer down a dusty hallway before pausing, releasing her hold on Rose's arms. Rose allowed it, her mind racing as she continued to wonder about the silver-haired woman—Mira, Natsu had called her.

There was something strange about her aura, though Rose couldn't put her finger on it.

She was broken out of her trance when Cylene nudged her. They had stopped in front of a plain wooden door with a plaque above it— 'Guild Master's Office'.

"Feeling nervous?"

Rose sighed and placed a hand on her scaly companion's angular head; taking reassurance in the cool, smooth feeling of the crystalline scales against her palm. Sometimes even she could feel a little nervous, and in times like those familiar presences helped to calm her down. At the moment that happened to be Cylene, but even an item like her scarf (which she had owned for forever) was comforting enough to stop her from freaking out.

"I'll get over it," Rose stated.

"Old man! We've got someone for you to meet!" Natsu yelled, before abruptly kicking the door down. Rose felt a bit concerned, hoping that no one had been behind the door when it was kicked. The group filed in through the door, as someone else (presumably the Master) began yelling.

"How many times do I have to tell you to knock before you enter!" he thundered, his tone deep and somewhat intimidating Although, the voice didn't seem to match his actual body at all. Seated behind the wooden desk at the front of the room was a very short man with a grey moustache and a beard, glaring at Natsu furiously.

"The next time you do that I- Oh, hello!" his annoyed frown turned into a welcoming smile when he caught sight of Rose and the others.

"Master, this is Rose. She's a phoenix slayer who wants to join the guild." Lucy introduced her politely, seemingly the more respectful one of the group.

"Oh? A phoenix slayer? How interesting..." the Master murmured under his breath, before turning to study the strangely shy girl carefully. "Well, if you have Erza's approval," Erza nodded when he glanced at her. "then you are more than welcome to join the guild."

Relief loosened the knot in her stomach, allowing Rose to release a breath she didn't know she was holding. How could the simple matter of joining a guild be so stressful?

Rose thanked the Master politely, her words soft and rather unlike her. She seemed to be in a state of happiness, which came as a shock to Cylene who hadn't realised the female was so stressed about joining. It was actually sort of funny to the wyvern, since Rose rarely acted in such a way. With her, it was usually dry humour and sarcasm with a witty comment thrown in here and there.

"You may register and receive your guild mark from Mira," The guild master continued, "but you will have to arrange a place to stay yourself."

"That's not a problem," Rose informed him calmly. Her eyes seemed to change with her mood – previously an intimidating, burning shade of crimson, but they were now a deep, warm shade of garnet. "I can take care of it."

"Good. Wendy, please take her to Mira so that she can be registered."

"Okay!" Wendy agreed, leading Rose back into the hall. The others quickly dispersed into the crowd, Grey and Natsu picking a fight with each other as Lucy and Erza talked together at a bench.

"Mira!" Wendy called over the white-haired lady from before, who was standing behind the bar; cleaning some empty glasses.

"Oh, Wendy!" she greeted kindly, sending her a brilliant smile. Her gaze turned to study the phoenix slayer who smiled awkwardly. "Are you here to register with the guild?"

"Y-yeah." She said, slightly startled as she was knocked out of her thoughts.

"Ok," Mira pulled a massive book out from underneath the bar, flipping it open to a page. She turned to Rose. "So, what is your name, magic and age?"

"Rose Fellia... I'm twenty years old, and I use Phoenix Slaying Magic. This is Cylene, my companion."

Mira wrote down her details and the date before closing the book and pushing it to the side. "Now, what colour guild mark would you like and where?"

"Can I have..." Rose paused to think, "one which is red at the top and fades to yellow, on my right shoulder? Please?"

"Sure," Mira smiled, "good choice!"

The blue-eyed woman pulled a stamp out of a pocket in her dress, before gesturing for Rose to reveal her shoulder.

Rose pulled up the sleeve on her right shoulder, and the cold metal of the stamp touched her skin. She felt the hum of magic as it heated up slightly before Mira pulled it away.

As her gaze fell on the mark, Rose couldn't help but wonder how long it would be there for. She found the members of Fairy Tail to be pleasant so far, despite an awkward first impression. Ignoring the new thoughts swirling around in her mind, Rose glanced to Mira with a grateful smile, one which wasn't hidden by her muffler.

"Thank you."

Published: 09/06/2017

Edited: 26/03/2018

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