"Sounds great," I smile and stand, offering my hand to him. "Let's get some breakfast first though." I tell him. Nodding, he grins and takes my hand.

Informing Grayson of my cooking skills, or lack there of, nominates him as cook of the morning. But to my surprise, there is no objection. He makes us scrambled eggs with toast.

After breakfast we got dressed into shorts and t-shirts, something comfortable to hiking. Since there was no sign of Susan, we leave a note for her on the counter, telling her where we're going and not to worry.

Grayson led the way to his car, spinning his keys around his finger. As soon as we get into the car, Grayson slides his sunglasses into place and puts his music on.

Instead of turning on the air conditioning, we roll the windows down and Grayson turns his music up. A smile comes to my face, I didn't realize how much I enjoyed our car time together.

His hand drops to the center console, his palm up, he glances to me expectantly. I smile and drop my hand into his. The drive isn't long, but I would not have minded if it was.

We pull into a small gravel parking lot at the side of the road and Grayson stops the car. I step out of the car and take in a deep breath, the fresh breeze giving me a sense of relief.

Grayson walks towards the mouth of the trail, glancing behind him to make sure I'm following. I do, but with no haste. I take my time looking everywhere there is to look. Under the canopy of leaves, the light filters through warmly, not harsh. The air smells of dirt and pine.

Grayson walks ahead, taking a quicker pace. But he doesn't complain about my speed, occasionally turning around to wait for me to catch up. He smiles at me each time.

As we advance farther up the trail, the incline increases and the trail turns to rock stairs made by Mother Nature herself. The trail becomes thin one side a rock face, the other a drop to fern cushion. I keep up with Grayson through the toughest parts of the trails.

I hear the waterfall long before I see it. It becomes louder and louder until we walk into the opening. Ahead is a 30 foot wall of water, some of the water rushes down with a great ferocity, but at the sides the water trickles down carefully over smoothed rocks. Below the waterfall is a swimming hole, clear and beautiful.

Excited, I pull my shirt over my head and throw it onto a nearby stump. I leave my shoes with it and rush to get in. Laughing, Grayson follows suit and runs to catch up. I feel a breeze as he passes me, diving readily into the water.

He resurfaces with a wide smile, letting out a howl. "It perfect!" I run the last few steps and throw myself into the water. It's cold, but in a way that is refreshing, it feels good.

I swim back up to the surface and push my hair back. Smiling, Grayson looks from me to the water fall. "Do you want to climb up?" He nods to the rushing water and my eyes widen.

"You mean to the top?" My jaw lowers as I look up to the very top. Grayson's smile grows as he begins swimming to the water's edge. I take a deep and laughing breath before swimming over to him.

When he sees that I'm following a large smile breaks across his face and he jogs over to the side of the waterfall, examining the rock structure. I run to catch up to him, but once I do I see what he was after.

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