(16) Crashin'

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A/N I had to make this fic more interesting, and what's more interesting than the most overused scenario in joshler fics? anyway here ya go prepare yourselves my frens


We both finished our dinner, and Josh insisted on paying or at least splitting the check. I, of course, refused and payed for the whole dinner before he was able to see me slip the credit card into the check. Sneaky.

We're now on our way home, talking about how amazing the dinner was.

"Okay, but who's idea was it to make it so goddamn expensive? I understand its good food but hey why not make it more of a reasonable price? Who are you trying to impress, yanno?" Josh says, in a very concerned voice

"Hey shh stop worrying about it."

"Fine. You know I love you right?"

"Yes of course Jish," I say, turning my attention away from the road slightly. "I love-"

And all I could feel was wind, and a shooting pain. Before Im able to comprehend whats happening, my vision goes black.


I hear sirens

the wailing of the ambulance

god, make it stop crying

make it stop

make it stop

the sirens continue to wail

my eyesights blurry

wheres josh?

who knows.

Is he okay?

Hell, am I okay?


The sadly familiar and uncomfortable bright white room joins me as I awaken, my senses blurry. Theres one thing I need to know, before I find out what's happened to myself.

Where has Josh gone? God please tell me he's safe

What even happened?

I was in the car, I was telling Josh I loved him. I didn't finish saying I love him. What if those were the last words he'd ever hear? The unfinished phrase that has become seemingly meaningless as it's said repeatedly. But no one notices how this one short combination of words loses its importance after simply the first time its spoken. So if those were the last words he heard, he would have gone out with just a few worthless things strung together.

But I have a feeling that it wasn't the last time he would be hearing these insignificant words. For I have a sense that I will be able to speak to him again, to show him how sorry I am that I've caused us to both fall. This time, neither of us could help the other up.

I open my eyes wider, the feeling of pressure being put around my body. My mother.

"Oh Tyler you're awake! We got a call that you and someone with you were in a horrible crash!"

Leaves -Joshler✔️Where stories live. Discover now