(10) IKEA

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••Another update! I'm really getting into writing this so I'll try to do more than just 1 update every week (most likely). Also, I've recently discovered how truly amazing the song Ruby is. I've listened to it before but I've been listening to it on repeat for like two hours now. don't judge.••



"Tyler, I know that we haven't know each other for a very long time, but I already know that I'm having feelings for you. I've never felt this way abut anyone else before, and I'm dying to know how you feel. I really hope that if the feeling isn't mutual that we can stay-"

Tyler interrupted my long rambling speech with his lips crashing into mine. First I was very shocked, but then soon realized that this is a good thing, and I leaned into the kiss. We worked perfectly together, his lips soft unlike my dry chapped lips. After a few seconds, we stopped and looked into each other's eyes.

"Is that the answer you were looking for?"


"Wanna hear something funny?"

"of course"

"Just moments ago, I was thinking about doing the same exact thing. I've been waiting for the right moment to tell you how I feel, but I've just been too scared that you wouldn't feel the same way about me."



"Will you be my boyfriend?"

Theres a bit of silence, and I can see Tyler contemplating something in his head.


And here we go, he won't say yes.

"Yea Ty?"

"Of course I'll be your boyfriend."


We spent the rest of that night cuddled together watching only the scariest horror movies we could find. We watched some classics like The Shining and The Exorcist, but also a newer movie called The Conjuring all in one night.

After watching all three movies, I saw Tyler rubbing his eyes and yawning, evidently tired.

"Ty you look like you really need some sleep."

"No, just one more movie.." he says while yawning

"No Ty, we're going to bed. But now that you're my boyfriend and all, I need you to sleep with me so we can cuddle."

"Well that's already way better than watching another horror movie."

"let me just turn off the TV and turn down the sheets."

"Wait Josh,"


"I need a nickname for you. You always call me Ty but I have nothing to call you."

"Well how am I supposed to help you with that, it's all up to you Ty."

"Ok, go turn down the sheets then Jish."

"I like it, ok Ty."



"Ty come in!" Josh says and I start walking up the stairs.

I walk into his room, and see Josh laying across the bed, with his elbow propping up one hand, and another on his hip.

"Draw me like one of your French girls Tyler"

"Maybe later" I said, winking at end and climbing onto the bed

"Oh fine."

"G'night Jish"

"Goodnight Ty"


I wake up early, so I'm already awake before Josh. I have a feeling that he sleeps in late, he just seems like the type.

I decide to surprise him, and make him breakfast. The only problem is I have no idea where he keeps everything in his kitchen, so It'll take me a bit longer.

I open the fridge, with my hands on both of the fridge handles. I frown a bit when I don't see all that much to cook with.

Luckily, I find a box of pancake mix in one of the cabinets.


Right as I'm done layering every fluffy pancake perfectly on top of each other, I hear Josh stumbling down the steps. He walks down every stair more dramatically than the last, with a loud thump as his feet land on the stairs.

"Wow look who decided to show up" I say to Josh

"Hey, it's not my fault that you left me. I was hoping to wake up and see you right next to me and we could say cute cliche things to each other. But noooo you had to go and be- Oh my gosh you made pancakes!!"

"Well that was a quick turn around. and yes, I did make pancakes. even though I may not have waited forever for you to wake up so we could say cheesy things to each other, I made you breakfast, so eat."

"yessss thank you so much Ty" Josh walks over to me and kisses me on the cheek before taking two pancakes and sitting down at the stools in front of the counter.


"mmmm Ty these pancakes are amazing! What'd you put in them, tell me your secret. Now."

"Wow okay I just put some vanilla in them."

"Genius. didn't even know I had that."

"Jish, you really need to get more furniture in this house. It's nearly empty minus the one couch and a table."

"Don't judge, furniture is annoying to buy."

"Not when it's furniture shopping with me."

"Then what are we waiting for? Lets get some pillows and chairs."


"Yes Tyler, now. Get your shoes on because we're going in our pajamas to IKEA!"

"But what about the rest of the pancakes?"

"Take them with us."

A/N so I've decided that instead of doing the •••• thing whenever I'm talking I'll just write A/N because then I won't have to switch between my phone and my laptop. Just thought I'd share lmao

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