(15) The Pearl

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A/N idk if anyone reads these but if you do then- hey gurl hey hows it goin?


I'm so excited, I'm on my way home from work, and I'm going to get ready for Josh and I's date. He got the job he wanted, and of course I'm super proud of him. But I have another reason for wanting to take him out tonight, I'm going to ask him a big question. And I know it sounds like I'm going to propose, but trust me, that will not be happening. Although I would like to spend the rest of my life with this amazing guy, I think that it's a bit early to ask him for his hand in marriage. What I'm going to be asking is if he would like to move in with me! I hope he says yes, even though he just moved and he might not want to move again... Dammit I didn't think of that, maybe he won't want to move in with me because he just moved! Or maybe he'll say yes because he really does love me, but I'll have to wait and see.

I'm taking Josh out to the fanciest place in Columbus, Ohio. It's called The Pearl, (A/N Yea its a real place, I did my research) and I'm going to pay for every cent of it, after all this is supposed to be a big date.

I walk up my stairs and lay out the clothes that I'll be wearing on the big date tonight, then go back downstairs so I can watch some TV. I just need to pass the time until i'm going to ask Josh if he will move in with me! I reaaaally want him to say yes. I think he will, but you never know because this is a huge step.

Why would anyone want to move in with you Tyler? I'm the only one you need to live with around here.

"You see Blurry, this is where you're wrong. For once, I have my entire life put together, and everything is in place. I'm not letting you take Josh away, because I'm stronger than you think and Josh is helping me get rid of you. Pretty soon, these chats will be over forever Blurry. Just wait." I say, standing in the middle of my living room. If anyone were to come into my house right now, and see me yelling at something that no one else can see, I'd surely be heavily questioned. The only person that has seen me break down because of something no-one else can see but stayed is Josh, which shows me how much he loves me. Now I really want him to just move in with me already.

After my little episode in my living room blurry didn't come back. He appeared for a few words of discouragement but I sent him away again. I really am getting better at this, and I think it's because of Josh.


Finally! Time to go get Josh. I'm so excited to take him out tonight, even thought I'm very nervous.

I hop in my car, and drive only a few feet over to the other side of the street to Josh's house. For what seems to be the millionth time, I walk up the front stairs of his porch, and knock on the wooden door.

The door swings open, with a smiling, bright, bubbly Josh behind it. I look at him up and down, damn does he look amazing.

"Josh, y-you look incredible"

"Haha thanks Ty, now lets get going, shall we?"

"We shall," I say, while looping my arm with his. we disconnect out arms once we reach the car. He goes around to the other side and gets into the car, kissing me once he sits down.

"So, Where are we going Ty" He says, obviously trying to get me to ruin the surprise and give in.

"I already told you Jish! It's a surprise"

Leaves -Joshler✔️Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora