He tugged at my bottom lip pulling my lips apart and slipping his tongue in wrapping it around mines. I felt a hand going down my back and gripping my ass pressing me against him and his erection into my core.

"Eww could you do the nasty later." I heard Vickie say.

I pulled away laughing as Dallas picked Vickie up.

"Victoria what you know about "the nasty". Dallas asked her.

"She got a boyfriend named Diggy!" Austin blurted.

"Snitch!" Vickie yelled.

"I'm beating yo ass when we get home." Dallas told her putting her down.

Vickie blinked a couple times before crying and stomping away to the car.

"Shut up for I give you something to cry about!" Austin yelled going after her.

"You know she has your temper." I told Dallas as we walked toward the car with his arm around my waist.

"Yea I know and that's not a good thing." He confirmed.

"It really isn't caused everytime she snaps I have to spank her. I think she like getting spanked."

He laughed opening the passenger door for me. I got in as he made sure to slap my ass one more time before shutting the door and getting in the drivers side.

"Crybaby." Austin taunted at Vickie.

"Shutup!" She yelled crying.

"Crybaby!" He yelled back.


"Crybaby, Crybaby, Crybaby, Cryba-"


It grew quiet and I turned around seeing Vickie with her arms crossed and mad with tears down her red face. I looked over at Austin as he held his face with his mouth open looking at Vickie.

"She slapped the taste out ya mouth." Dallas told him pulling off.


The Marines was no joke. The worst part out of all of it was bootcamp. Getting yelled at, sleeping on crusty mattresses and my bunk mate, Roger, god he had the stankiest fart in the world. I'm so glad to be home it isn't even funny. Y'all I saw somebody die and it was nothing like black ops! The game is a lie! I almost drowned learning how to swim. Them eight feet made me see Biggie and 2Pac quick.

I shook my head thinking back and pulled up into our driveway. I still can't believe I let Victoria talk me into building her a castle. She has clipped my balls and stuck them in her closet and she doesn't even know it. As soon as I parked the car Vickie jumped out running with Austin chasing after her into the house. I ran after them about to follow when I felt Laya grab my arm and pull me over to the stairs.

"You know we haven't had sex in five months." She told me as we continued up the round staircase.

"Yea I know." I answered watching as she walked and her hips moved from side to side.

She lead me to our room and closed the door locking it. She pulled me in front of the bed at the edge and kissed the corner of my lips before leaning up toward my ear.

"Let me show Daddy what he's been missing."

She pulled back looking at me and I watched as she looked down at my obvious erection through my uniform and back at me with her eyes glazed over with lust.

She brought my face to hers and kissed me pulling my bottom lip into her mouth. I reached to touch her but she restricted me holding my arms at my waist as she sucked and pulled at my bottom lip.

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