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Alex Grey can charm the pants off my own mother

I had messaged Cora about 500 times, almost having a mental breakdown, I didn't want to look desperate but I didn't want him to think I was a prude. Both would completely ruin the somewhat plan Cora and I had. 

Cora decided for me to wear a denim skirt with a black and white striped top with my coat and some tights and my black Doc Martins. I straightened my hair and applied no makeup since I couldn't be bothered and I was down the stairs by 6:50 and my hands were profusely sweating which isn't a good look. At 7 on the dot, the bell rang and my whole body froze; I was totally expecting him not to show. Opening the door, I was greeted with his million-dollar smile and my mum was quick to rush beside me, her glasses almost falling off. "Hello, Ms. Smith." Alex smoothly smiles and I even felt my mum's heart explode, he was such a charmer. "Hello, Alex please call me Allison, Makes me feel old when you use my last name." My mum jokes, Alex begins to laugh along. "Well, make sure Kadie is back before nine-thirty or they'll be trouble. Mum warns a smile still spread across her lips. Obviously clear that she likes him. 

As I shut the door, I see Alex walking back to the car. he turns and nods for me to get in the car. I roll my eyes and jump in the car, Only noticing now how good he looks in a shirt. "Your mum's nice," he smirks and I smile tightly, kinda of regretting the night. I could've been sat in my room watching the Deathly Hallows, but, instead, I'm sat inside of a decent car with the biggest jerk in the entire world. Lucky me. Deciding the silence was too much for me I click on for the radio only to hear a loud screeching. "Ah, what the hell!" I exclaim covering my ears and Alex grimaces slamming the off button, "It needs fixing." he chuckles and I roll my eyes,
"Yeah more like throwing, how does that even Happen?"
"The car is pretty old Kadie, I don't really listen to the radio," he answers pulling out a set of CD's, placing them into my lap. "Pick, I don't really mind" searching through the CD's Ed Sheeran's album Divide catches my eye and I smile placing it into the slot and Happier filling the air, "quite a softy aren't we Alex?" I tease and he frowns,
"That's my older sister's," he mumbles and I laugh, reaching for his forearm,
"We both know it isn't." he smiles and shrugs off my arm and I lean back looking out the window. "I never knew Bluewater is so pretty." I mused Alex doesn't reply at first then shrugs, "I've been here since the start of High school, it gets boring after the first few months." I look towards him and of course, the same million dollar smirk causes heat to rush to my cheeks, "I know, I look like I've lived here all my life."
"How did you manage to fit in so quickly?" I question,
"Did you fail to notice I managed to charm the pants off your mum?" he jokes and I roll my eyes, "I got that from my mum, she was always the charmer, how she landed my dad really." he reminisces and I smile, hearing about his family. 

Soon we reached the restaurant Betty's Brunch, the classic old-school diner. the grey exterior was matched with the colourful plants scattered around the front, never seen anything like it back in England. "Welcome to Betty's," Alex exclaimed and I shake my head, opening the door. We walked side by side and I his shoulder occasionally brushed mine, which was nice. Very nice, I could practically feel my heart doing gymnastics. To my surprise, Alex opened the door for me and the rustic music welcomed by the waft of heat that hits you coming through the door. Endless rows of paintings covered the walls and stretched out across from the bar area were luscious red velvet booths that appeared quite snug. I spotted a booth and Alex excused himself and headed over to a familiar face from school. In the meantime, I texted Cora that I was in the diner, my hands already sweating from nerves. 

Is he talking to his friend?

Ye, why? 

That's one of his football friends from school, probably congratulating on his new score, ew

Looking back I saw Alex come back with two menus in his hand and I smile as he sits down. "Banana milkshake?" he questions and I shake my head,
"Sorry, I'm allergic." I lie, my eyes failing to even look at, I wasn't exactly lying, I hated banana. Alex frowns while I skim through the menu. "Look, the triple chocolate sundae." I look over at him and see him completely dumbfounded, "I love chocolate, it has Hershey's, Twix, M&Ms, fudge brownie what more could a girl want!" I squeal my mouth almost watering on the table, Alex has an unmissable glint of curiosity in his eyes, "I've never met anyone who's allergic to Banana." he chuckles and I shrug,
"I'm not that really into fruit either, I mean I love a good strawberry with chocolate but that's mainly because of the chocolate, chocolate cover anything is worth it." I ramble on and Alex bursts out laughing, "You, Kadie Smith, are something else, the sundae it is." I clap my hands as he takes the menus from us. 

The sundae was made within a matter of minutes, leaving no time to get nervous and begin rambling and when it was brought out I almost died at the size of it, I would honestly get type 2 diabetes from it and I looked at Alex who was almost as shocked as me. It was lucky he hadn't ordered anything. Digging into the chocolate goodness, Alex was just sat there, staring at me. "Have I got something on my face?" I ask and he shakes his head,
"No, I just don't understand how you can eat that much sugar." he grimaces at the sundae, I roll my eyes, "once you taste it, you'd understand." I smile plopping a large dollop of ice cream into my mouth, Alex shakes his head, still managing to keep a smile plastered on his face. I hold my spoon out towards him and he refuses, "I don't want any, I stopped eating chocolate 3 years ago." Now it was my turn to freeze, I probably looked at him like he grew a second head. "No chocolate, for three damn years?" I exasperate and he nods,
"No hot chocolate?"
"No...chocolate cake?"
"Not even the chocolate icing."
I gasped immediately dropping the spoon in the glass, pushing it towards him. "Now, you have to take a bite." I press and he shakes his head, running his hands through his hair, "I can't."
"Oh yes, you can."

"Don't be such a scaredy-cat," I smirk and he frowns, reaching for the spoon, 
"I'm not scared to eat a little bit of chocolate Smith." he snaps, putting a dollop in his mouth and I smile wildly. "You like?" I laugh and he shakes his head.
"Of course I do." we both laugh and then share the sundae. 

After the large sundae, my stomach was full to the brim. I groan, "I think I have a food baby." Alex gets up and offers his hand, "C'mere fatso." I gasp and hit his arm,
"How dare you call a pregnant lady fat!" both of us chuckling, he grabs my arm pulling me out of the diner, he'd already paid when he went to order. Hopping back in the car, I hold my stomach, my whole body growing tired from eating too much. Leaning against the window the soft blow of the heater was enough to send me to sleep. 

"Kadie, wake up" the soft voice lulled me from my amazing dream with Channing Tatum,
"No, Channing," I mumble and the voice softly laughed and before I knew it, my eyes betrayed me, opening to see Alex knelt beside me and the car door wide open. "God, I'm so sorry." I apologize, Alex shrugs and helps me up. "Thanks for tonight, you looked amazing." Alex comments and I smile before I knew his lips were heading towards me and I froze. What do I do?I don't want to kiss him, do I? Swerving his kiss I pecked his cheek and he stared at me, confused. "It's so cold out here, I better head inside, Thank you for tonight. I had a lot of fun." I comment and head towards my door as he gets in the car. 

My head was racing and my heart was reeling. What was he doing to me?

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Welcome to part 3, 
Hope you like where the story is going, I honestly relate to Kadie with the food baby, my eyes are always bigger than my stomach. 
I'm such a nerd, I found my DSi and I can't stop playing Zelda and it's currently 3 almost 4am I'm writing this. 

I only have 3 days left before the end of my Christmas break, it's pretty sad :(

Anyway if you liked this story, leave a cheeky like or comment it would be much appreciated


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