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Jungkook sighed as he stared at his ceiling. He had felt the hands of his former lover on his body ever since the kiss he shared with Yoongi. He couldn't shake the feeling off, it was something that seemed to stay. He couldn't talk about it to anyone because no one would believe him.

No one knew what the boy had went through because of his first boyfriend. No one knew what he had done, no one knew what happened in the first year of college. Of course, people knew Jungkook had a boyfriend, but no one had ever met him. The other male didn't seem like he wanted to be invested in that part of Jungkook's life, so no one knew him.

It should have been a red flag.

To Jungkook, it wasn't.

And he blames himself for it. He forgot about it for a while, at least, he didn't think about it a lot anymore. But, since he started to get feelings for Yoongi, the memories came back. Jungkook had hoped they were gone, but they weren't.

Jungkook closed his eyes and sighed once more. His phone started to ring and Jungkook groaned, rolling over and grabbing it. He held it against his ear,

''Hello, this is Jeon Jungkook speaking,'' he said, awaiting a response.

''Jungkook, ho-'' Jungkook gasped, ended the call and threw his phone on his mattress. He recognized the voice. It filled up his entire body with warmth and it spread a giddy feeling through his stomach, but Jungkook didn't want to feel it right now. He didn't want to talk to Yoongi right now.

Jungkook knew Yoongi would want an explanation. Jungkook knew the older would ask questions. Jungkook knew he wouldn't be able to hold himself together for long and he knew he would spill it all out if Yoongi asked the right questions.

Jungkook didn't want that.

So, he let his phone ring a few times, letting it go to voicemail. After the last call, Jungkook saw he had received a message from his phone company saying he had a voicemail message, and Jungkook decided he would listen to it.

''hey Jungkook-si. I guess you don't want to talk to me, huh,'' Jungkook's heart broke as he heard how broken Yoongi sounded. The older sounded broken, stressed and emotional and Jungkook knew he would break soon. ''I just wanted to say that the kiss we shared meant something to me. I don-..'' a silence was heard and Jungkook could hear Yoongi sigh once again,

''I don't know why I did it, but I know it meant something. I just wanted you to know that, I guess. You're an amazing person and i guess I just want you to know that. I'll go now. Please call me back as soon as you're able to.'' And the line fell flat.

Jungkook wiped his face with his hands and groaned. He screamed and yelped. He shouted and cried. He threw his chair on the floor and threw his empty coffee mug across the room in a rage. His tears were hot as they streamed down his face, staining his cheeks.

Jungkook couldn't stop. Before he knew it, he had broken at least seventy five percent of his mugs and plates and he had broken his coffee table and messed up his bed.

He sat down on his mattress with a big sigh, and looked over his room. It was trashed, but Jungkook couldn't care less at that point. Jungkook laid down and closed his eyes, letting the darkness take over his body.

''Jeon Jungkook!,'' Jungkook groaned as he heard someone yell way too close to his ear for comfort, so he turned to his side. ''don't you dare fall back asleep! What have you done?!'' Jungkook connected the voice to a face and figured out it was Jimin. He shot up to look at what Jimin was talking about, and he gasped.

Jungkook remembered his rage fit and sighed. ''I raged.'' Was all Jungkook could say. He looked Jimin in the eye, who sighed. ''what is happening to you, kookie?'' Jimin asked. He dropped his jacket on the floor and sat down next to Jungkook.

He pulled Jungkook close to him and Jungkook let his head drop onto Jimin's shoulder. ''I don't know Hyung, but it's scary.''

It was silent for a while and Jimin was lost. He had never seen his friend like that. He met Jungkook at senior year high school orientation and knew the boy from inside out, but he had never seen him like this. So broken, so angry and yet so lost.

It was as if someone took over Jungkook's body and decided to mess it up.

''please tell me Jungkook, did something happen?'' Jimin asked. Jungkook tensed up and shrugged, ''a lot happens every day hyung.'' He answered, not wanting to seriously talk about himself. Jimin groaned, ''jungkook I swear to god. Look at yourself, you're a mess!'' Jimin said, mentioning to Jungkook's even messier room.

''you look like you haven't slept in months, your apartment is a mess and you're abandoning your friends!'' Jimin continued, slipping away from Jungkook and standing up.

''well thanks hyung.'' Jungkook said, bowing his head. He stared at his lap and sighed. Jimin was right. He shouldn't let his mental state affect others. He should just, live on. Push it away.

''for fucks sake Jungkook! Have you even seen how much you're hurting others with your isolation?'' Jimin threw his hands up in the air, ''Taehyung has been moping since you guys made up, he's extremely worried! I'm worried, Namjoon-hyung is worried, Seokjin-hyung and Jisoo-noona are too! We're all so worried about you and yet you're here doing nothing! For god's sake, even your fucking professor is worried!''

Jungkook raised his head at the mention of his professor, and he slightly moved his hands. ''is Yoongi-hyung worried about me?'' He asked, and Jimin groaned in frustration.

''of course he is! You went absolutely wrong after you guys kissed for heaven's sake!'' Jimin shouted, and Jungkook sighed. He stood up, his body not used to moving so much anymore, and he randomly hugged Jimin. ''I'm sorry.'' He said.

Jimin knew Jungkook wasn't alright. He knew Jungkook's emotions were all over the place for some reason and Jimin knew he should ask about it. JImin knew Jungkook's actions were random and weird, but he couldn't bring himself to not wrap his arms around Jungkook's slimmed down waist and hug him back.

''don't apologize, it's okay.''


I didn't forget about u guys lol.
school is extremely stressful and so is life in general. I'm kind of in a bad place right now. So, I hope you enjoyed this shitty chapter.

I didn't forget about Yoongi being threatened, just wait my babes and the action will begin 😉.

Thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next chapter,

x D. 

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