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''here, your cup of tea.'' It had been two days after the kiss, and Jimin decided it was a good idea to come over every single day, to make sure Jungkook was okay. Jungkook hadn't told anyone about what happened and wasn't planning on doing so, but Jimin sensed something was off and decided it would be best if he stayed with the younger.

''thanks.'' Jungkook said, looking up at his hyung and forcing a smile. Jimin smiled back and sat down next to Jungkook on the floor. It was silent for a while, no one really saying anything as an anime Jungkook enjoyed was playing.

''so..'' Jimin started, breaking the silence. Jungkook was quick to pause the show. He wasn't really focused on it anyway. ''I think I'm going to ask Taehyung out on a date.'' Jungkook gasped in shock. It was pleasant shock but also anxious shock. He was happy his hyung's would finally end up together, but Taehyung's words were still fresh in Jungkook's brain.

''that's very brave of you, JImin-hyung. I'm sure he'll say yes.'' Jungkook said. Jimin nodded and his smile grew bigger, his small dimples showing. Jungkook smiled genuinely for the first time in a while and Jimin sighed.

''what happened between you two?'' Jungkook took a sip of his tea. He raised his eyebrows at Jimin. ''what do you mean? Who?'' Jungkook asked and Jimin brushed him off. ''you know exactly who I'm talking about. What happened between you and Tae?''

''Nothing.'' Jungkook mumbled. He clenched his jaw, hoping Jimin would drop it, but he didn't. instead, the older took Jungkook's tea out of his hands and put it down, grabbing both of Jungkook's now empty hands in his.

''oh please Jungkookie, you haven't been online on the chat in two days, and Taehyung hasn't either. Both of you didn't show up for class today and that never happens.'' Jimin explained, and Jungkook sighed. He closed his eyes, hoping this would fade away. He hoped Jimin would go home and leave him alone, but the moment he opened his eyes Jimin was still there.

''we fought.'' Jungkook said. Jimin sighed and let go of Jungkook's hands. ''what was it about?'' Jimin asked, resituating himself so he was facing Jungkook. Jungkook hugged his legs and formed a small ball, a white blanked draped over his shoulders.

''he told me I couldn't make my own decisions because I wasn't smart enough. I ran.'' Jungkook mumbled. Jimin gasped, ''he said that?'' Jungkook nodded. Jimin sighed and moved around for a little, wrapping his hands around his mug.

''well shit.. is it bad that I still like him?'' Jungkook giggled at that, ''of course not. Just because he's an asshole to me doesn't mean he will be one to you too.'' Jimin smiled at Jungkook. He shook his head and Jungkook frowned, ''what's wrong?''

''he would never like me.'' Jimin said. Jungkook was really close to telling Jimin about Taehyung's eternal love for him, but he didn't. Jungkook wanted Taehyung to get the chance to do that himself. ''I'm sure he will. Who wouldn't?'' Jungkook said instead, and Jimin chuckled.


It was two days later, and Jungkook found himself sitting on a bench in the park close to his apartment building. He hadn't been outside since the kiss and it made the young male really anxious. He sighed as he thought about what he was going to tell Taehyung, what he was going to scream at him.

Jimin and Namjoon had forced the two to talk, and the moment they assigned was now. Taehyung was supposed to arrive in a few moments and Jungkook could see Seokjin, Namjoon, Jimin and even Jisoo sitting around the park, pretending to not be there. Only he knew they were all there, Taehyung didn't know any of it.

Jimin had asked Taehyung to hang out at the park, without telling him a thing about Jungkook. The only reason Jungkook agreed with this plan is because he wanted an apology. And his best friend back.

Jungkook closed his eyes and pretended he wasn't there. He pretended that he was in a field full of beautiful pastel pink flowers, small drips of rain coming out of the sky. Jungkook opened his eyes as he heard someone approaching him, and he sighed in relief. Taehyung had shown up.

But, Jungkook's relief was from short notice as he saw in what kind of state Taehyung was in. The boy looked like he hadn't eaten in days, and big bags had formed under his eyes. His hair was pointing in different angles and he wasn't wearing his usual smile, he was grimacing.

Jungkook didn't hesitate. Tears had formed in his eyes from watching his best friend so heart broken. Jungkook stood up and bolted towards the older, engulfing him in a hug. But, Jungkook's strength was way too much for the weakened boy and they both fell on the ground, all the while Jungkook was screaming at him. ''I'm so fucking sorry!'' he yelled into Taehyung's chest.

At first Jungkook thought Taehyung was going to push him off, because he didn't feel any arms wrap around him. But, after a moment of laying on the cold ground like that, Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jungkook and engulfed him into a tight hug. ''I'm the one who's supposed to say sorry, not you.'' Taehyung whispers as he holds his best friend for dear life.

Jungkook was full on sobbing by now, and Taehyung couldn't hold it in either. It must have been a weird sight for anyone who passed by, two young-adults laying on the gravel, engulfed in each other and crying their eyes out. But, to the four other young-adults also present at the park it was a beautiful sight.


wow that was interesting to write.
personally, I hate angst in books. I mean, a bit is okay, but some writers put a lot of it in their book and it's just hard to deal with. I usually end up abandoning those books. I feel like I've gone overboard too so here, they made up lol.

Actually, this wasn't planned at all lol. But, I changed my plans so yeah.

I hope you guys enjoyed!

I have been very social the last few days with friends and stuff, and now I know why people get jobs at my age. Having friends is expensive, jesus. Nonetheless, I loved every second of it.

Don't forget to vote, comment and maybe follow to keep up with my stories! ;3

Oh and ps, I may actually make an upload schedule because I want to finish this book before I go away on vacation in about a month and a half, so yeah, keep your eyes open for that!

x D.


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