Chapter 15

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I held his body, supporting him in my arms, my hand nursing his wound. I knew it was useless though.

"Cameron... oh..." I sobbed.

He smiled weakly, the colour draining from his face.

"I'm glad... I met you," his voice made the tears fall faster. He sounded like he had completely given up.

"I'm going to get you help Cameron--" I began.

"No. There's nothing they can do. Stay please..." he breathed. "I'm glad-- you're so different... and so perfect for Gale. you've changed him... For the good."

I smiled, clutching him closer to me.

"Goodbye Niara. Thanks--" his voice caught, cut-off by a gurgle of blood that trickled from his mouth. His eyes widening fractionally, before his body fell limp. I closed his eye lids, clutching his drained, lifeless body to me, not caring about the blood that stained my hands. I cried there, before I felt someone's arms around me and Gale's scent wandered the atmosphere around me. Tears mixed with the pool of blood around my feet, I pushed back against Gale's chest, for support, as the world around me was spinning and twisting.

It was so unfair. A boy so amazing and fun, kind and generous like Cameron, did not deserved that. He did not deserve death. And yet, it was thrust upon him much too early. There's someone missing. A piece of the puzzle lost. I already feel empty and hollow, but, as the last year fell, a large slender hand wiped away the dampness on my cheeks.

Gale leaned down and tucked away the hair from my ear, his warm breath against my cheek. "I. Love. You."

That was the first time he had properly admitted it.

"I love you too." I replied.

And we sat there in puddle if tears and blood, holding each other.

But suddenly I felt an intense pain, from my arm. The pressure grew, more and more, my head spun, vision darkening. Gale was silent. Something was wrong.

I grabbed whatever was holding me, clawing and ripping. My hand was wet. I assumed from blood. I looked up and saw my fathers hand. He was still lying down, blood steadily trickling down his face. Gale was lying, unconciouss or dead. I screamed and screamed. A suddedn strength that grew from my heart. With my other arm I grabbed my fathers thumb, pulling it back, ripping his skin. It loosened his grip just enough for me to wriggle out. I then climbed up his arm, using my body weight to push his head into the floor. I then punched him repeatedly, again and again, in sheer force and speed. Cam hadnt't died for nothing.

I kept going even though he was long past dead.

Then I remembered. Gale. I ran to his body. It was sickeningly still. His chest rose and falled ever so slightly. He was alive. I rested his head on my lap, cradling his face. His eyes opened and he smiled. "I have a bit of a headache."

I smiled through the tears, and kissed him and kissed him, and whispered "I love you" countless times.

"Hey... don't cry," he said, raising his hand to my face. "You don't need to anymore."

Done! Finé.

I really hoped you liked it - my first ever story on Wattpad!

*******CHECK IT OUT --------> 'Hunters' OR EVEN 'The Lost City''*********

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