Chapter 13

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Her sudden rage made me realise that she really had changed. That weak, shy girl I had found in the woods was gone. There was never a blush on her rosy red cheeks, her eyes never looked down and her posture was upright and proud. She was still just as beautiful though, both Shy Niara and Confident Niara.

She left when she had drained all her anger, and although she turned away quickly, I didn't miss the shining in her eyes, and the tears that began to form.

Tom, on the other hand, was angry, and clearly in pain. His face was scrunched up in a scowl. "That look really doesn't suit you." I stated, pointing to his body.

"I really don't get your interest in that slut. You could become powerful like me. We could be allies. She's special, and easily manipulated. I managed to," His scowl had turned into a malicous smirk. "She is so new to our world, we could tell her anything and she'd believe it. Her father knows about everything, and he intends on coming back for her, now he knows she's so special."

I frowned. That mean't we had to prepare for an invasion. Great. I grabbed a burner, switching on the flame, the lilac center dancing, the orange flickering, licking the air. I brought it close to the skin on his stomach, seeing him flinch. I dipped the flame slowly into his skin, his shriek echoing across the stone walls. The unrivalled stench of singed skin erupted the wound, as the skin darkened and reddened considerably. I turned it off, tossing the burner to the side and walking over the sink and hose. I grabbed a towel, dampening it slighlty, while grabbing the hose and walking back, the pipe extending as I moved further away.

"So where is this man you call her father?" I asked calmly, my stomach tightening at the thought of that creature even laying eyes on her.

Tom shook his head. I waited a few seconds, making sure he wasn't going to answer, before flopping the towel over his exasperated face, before letting the jet stream of water burst from the nozzle. I could hear his muffled splutters, although this was boring, I found a grin appearing on my face. This was a routine. I would do it with every torturee. Occasionally the head gear, then the water boarding, then knifes and then if they haven't given up enough some limbs go. After that, I do whatever I want. I was hoping Niara would have stayed longer, but this would take longer than a day.

After a few more attempts and still nothing, I decided to call it a day. I sighed, walking out and locking the door with several locks, making sure there was no possible way to escape.

Rubbing my temples, I took the stairs two at a time, pushing open the other door and locking it again.

"Looks like you got a ickle play buddy down there!" Cam walked to me pinching my cheeks and cooing.

"Umm... and what makes you think you can do that?" I asked demandingly.

.Cam shrugged, leaning against the wall casually. "I figured since you've been so different around Niara, you were gonna stay like it?"

"Like what?"

"The old you-- well at least the good parts of the old you!" he corrected holding his hands up.

I thought for a minute. He was right. It was quite nice being relaxed, but I couldn't let my guard down. I can't do both, can I?

"Sure," I mumbled, rubbing my eyes before padding over to the kitchen, cooking up some pasta with a tomatoey, garlicky, basily sauce.

Cam walked in, a smirk plastered across his face. "You should be a housewife."

I scoffed. "Yea Cam, slight problem, I'm a dude," I explained, stirring now bubbling, smooth red liquid.

Cameron's mouth was almost watering as the smells wafted into the air, the rich, creamy tomatoness, and fresh basily whiff. I grabbed two bowls, draining the pasta before spilling it into the bowls. The sauce spilled over the pasta, the red contrasting to the pasty yellow. I slid one of the bowls over to Cam, chucking him a fork. He muttered a thanks in between mouthfuls.

I pulled up a tall chair by the breakfast bar, leaning on my elbows and picking at the food with my fork.

"What been cookin' good lookin?" chirped Niara's really cheery voice this late at night.

"Something saucy," I replied, turning so I was facing her. I snaked my arms around her waist, resting my forehead on her shoulder. "Want some?"

She slid onto my lap, grabbing the fork and taking a mouthful. Her eye widened slightly as she began to chew, a smile growing in her lips. "This *munch* is so *munch* good!" She answered between chews.

There was a little tomato sauce on the side of her mouth and I couldn't stop myself from wiping it off and licking the finger. She chucked, leaning back into my chest.

"Oi, I haven't had any!" Soon realising Niara had almost eaten the whole bowl, I stole the fork from her and finished the food in seconds.

"Mm mm mmm" she murmured in appreciation. I nodded in agreement, as Niara slid off my lap and walked yo the door that lead to the Moon Room.

"Wait up!" I called, chucking my bowl into the dishwasher and jogging to the door, fiddling with the locks and holding it open for Niara. She smiled a thanks, patting my chest before sprinting down the stairs two at a time.

"You're It!" She threw over her shoulder.

I immediately chased after her, taking the steps two at a time. She was through the Moon Room door by the time I was down.

Now it's her turn.


Sorry this was just a filler. I've had a little writers block :/

Think not ending it soon. This was never going to be a long book. But I have an idea for another story so stay tuned!


Once again, thank you all!

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