Chapter 5

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Sorry about the last chapter. Although it had a twist it was a bit of a filler.

Writers block is going away so things will pick up for sure!

Thankss and Enjoy!


There was only one way to find out more.

I would have to consult Niara, and unearth the memories she had tried so hard to forget. If what happened to her already had not cracked her, this sure would. This would not only crack her, it would break her.

But it was either break her or let her die.


I had called a meeting with the boys, and a few minutes later, they were sat on couch in front of me, lounging casually.

"Soo what exactly is the meeting about then?" Groaned Mitch.

"Yea, why did you drag me away from my Xbox dude?" Cam wailed, exaggerating.

Impatience got the better of me."Guys...Listen up!" They snapped there heads to me instantly. "I know what's up with Niara, how she is so strong and intelligent of what's around her." They leaned forward, ushering me to go on. " Her mother was a Lunario, a sister of the moon. One of the strongest wolves you could ever meet,"Their eyes widened. "However, her mother was killed. By a human. Which doesn't make sense. She could've easily killed him."

"Meaning...?" Toby pressed after a moments silence.

"Meaning he couldn't be human dumbass," retorted Cam, smacking him across the head. Toby glared, muttering something that sounded a lot like 'Fxck off' under his breath.

"Meaning we're gonna have to go to the Alpha," Mitch said, his usual confidence swaying.

I nodded, agreeing, and waited for the cascade of 'why we shouldn't do this' and 'how stupid this is' to hit me.

But it didn't, and it soon dawned on me that my brothers knew what was at stake here.

If we didn't go to the alpha, there was sure to be hunters searching. And if they found Niara, they'd know how strong she was... and they'd kill her. The thought made my stomach twist.

I genuinely thought of her as one of the pack, although sometimes I didn't show it; and even though she hadn't met the alpha,yet ,and hadn't actually been accepted into the pack, I knew my brothers would always have a home for her in their hearts. Over the past few months, she had grown comfortably into our group. But I had let myself get too close.

The fact that she still wanted to even acknowledge me amazed me. I had been so sour to her, so cold, I mean I hadn't given her even the slightest sympathy about being torn from her normal life and plunged into this twisted game.

But, after what I am about to do, I am sure that would change.

Cam sighed as he stood up and crossed his arms over his chest, "Well that brightened the mood," he humors, the sarcasm clear in his voice. For once, I was grateful for his attempt to lighten the atmosphere, but even Cameron couldn't find a positive in this situation.

At that moment Niara walked into the room.

On her face was that look that said: 'Yes dickheads, I heard every single word. And I'm angry you didn't even think about bringing me into this meeting,'. It was a pretty scary look, I even saw Cam step back a little, and resisted the tug at the corner of my mouth. As I looked back to her, I saw her properly.

She looked smoking hot.

And badass.

She wasn't wearing her typical gear, which was usually her training clothes, but was dressed in a black skirt that was way above her knees, her long legs were covered in fishnet tights and high boots with more than a bit of a heel. She wore a black leather jacket that was a few sizes too big but only added too the look, which looked very familiar, over a white top. Her long black hair swayed from left to right as she walked toward us.

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