Chapter 6

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"Niara, I need to talk to you," I wrapped on her door insistently.

"Well I don't want to," her voice was toxic, "You've hurt me and I'm not prepared for you to do the same thing again. So go away."

Sighing I opened the door forcefully, knocking it with my shoulder. She sat on her bed, her knees pulled up to her chin. When she looked up her eyes were red from tears, and as soon as she saw me she buried her face in her arms.

Her muffled voice answered my sympathetic look,"Leave... please, I don't want nor need your sympathy," she pulled her knees up closer.

I approached her, sitting on the edge of her bed, "Look, I've never had this, lets say, connection with someone since a long time, and it scares the shit out of me. I haven't exactly had the best record, and everyone I seemed to loved has been torn away from me. I don't want that to happen with you,"

Looking up she said, "You know fully well I can handle myself. Over the past year I've been training my ass off so that I can beat your brothers with my eyes closed. So if you don't want me then fine, but at least have the dignity to admit that I can handle mys-" She was cut off by my lips crashing down on hers.

The infamous sparks flew, and I could feel my emotions erupt from the stone they were encased in.

I placed my hand on her cheek gently, but she pulled away like my touch was poison.

"No Gale! You can't just make things better with a kiss you know. Yea it was nice, like really nice, but it won't make me feel any fxcking better!," she growled.

"Yes. I know. I do. And, I know that you're strong. You're amazing. But I'm scared if I lose you I won't be able to cope. And I know I'm selfish. But I've never been the best with words, and I always push people away. But I can't do this to you," I stammered, fighting the stinging behind my eyes.

"Well, you need to stop being such an idiot and get your head together, pussy," she growled standing up and pushing me out of the room.

Panic began to grow inside of me. I couldn't let her go. No, not this time. "Niara! Wai--"

The door slammed in my face.


When he opened up to me I felt like I had won something like World War II. I felt closer to this dark, brooding hunk, now I could finally get to know him better. I could feel the darkness lift slightly when I was around him. His comforting vanilla smell swirled my senses.

At least I wish it was like that.

He had hurt me, and I couldn't forgive him. If I was the old Niara I probably would have, but it's time to make a change. I just need to forget about it. Forget anything happened between us. Forget it all.

But it was hard to forget catch in my breath whenever I saw him, the fluttering in my stomach, and the skip in my heart. I've never felt like this before. And for once I wasn't fighting the heat, because it wasn't there. I had managed to keep it under control.

For now.

If I was told, 9 months ago, that I'd kiss this sexy god, then get rejected, then when he comes crawling back to me I reject him, I'd be like no way and slap that person.

It was funny how things changed.


I hadn't spoken or seen Gale after that. All I knew was that he had to go and do one of his mystery jobs involving the rest of the pack, so I thought I'd get some training done to pass the time.

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