Chapter 7

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I hated doing that to her for the second time. I'm acting like such a dumb jerk. Now she hates me more than ever.

Wind whistled through the trees, brushing the fallen leaves to and fro. Shadows danced against the moonlit ground, as a howl pierced the silence.

Picking up speed, I began to jog to the clearing, where about fifteen werewolves stood. Their attention settled on me as soon as they had caught my scent. A figure stepped out from the pack, pulling away from a few females. He was muscular - like most wolves- and was also tall. His short brown hair sat messily on his head, his red eyes flaring.


"I was about to call out a search party. Didn't want you deserting us now did we?" I flinched at his words, the vivid memories flashing across my vision.

"I came here about the girl, not the past," I spat, "And you know fully well what happened that night." He smirked, taking a step towards me. We were around the same height, I was only a centimetre shorter.

"Do I now?"

I clenched my jaw, pushing down the flaring anger. "Quit going off topic. I said I'm here about the girl."

"That's no way to speak to your Alpha now is it?" He patronised. "Anyway, I hear this girl you talk of is very... stunning," A rumble of laughter reverberated through the pack, sending shivers down my spine. My skin crawled at the thought of him getting anywhere near her. "I have eyes everywhere you see," he paused, "She isn't with you. Why not?"

I bit back from telling him that I didn't want her to be disgusted by his grotesque face. "She was preoccupied." I replied simply.

He chuckled, and then frowned. "Preoccupied. Well this is a bit of a waste of my time. Come back when you have her, then we talk." He stated, turning back to the pack. "Lets go."


"What?" He spun around to face me.

"I'm not going all the way back. Are you serious?"

"Get the girl. Then we talk."


I grabbed her arm, dragging her away from the Xbox. "Dude! I was just about to blow Cam's brains out!" She whined. I sighed, shaking her gently.

"Niara we need to go. Now!"

They had given me a deadline. 3 freaking hours! How was I gonna do that? It's already been 1!

"Niara I am not kidding, get a jacket and lets go!" I barked, attempting to keep my voice down.

"One more game please?" She looked up at me with those cute silver eyes and little pout. Shaking my head I groaned.

"I gave you like 20 games! We are leaving jacket or not!" Throwing her over my shoulder, I shouted bye to the boys over her screaming protests. I heard them crack up in hysterics as I shut the front door, placing Niara into the car before jumping in myself.

"Where are we going anyway?" She croaked, clicking her seatbelt on. I saw the goosebumps on her bare arms. She must be freezing. All she was wearing was a ox blood short skirt, high knee socks, white tank, and biker boots.

"Here." I slid off my leather jacket, handing it over to her. She took it, smiling greatfully. The leather jacket wasn't really mine anymore. She always borrowed it so I decided I may aswell share it with her. It was nice, her scent would always be dripping off it, and it smelled amazing. Shaking my head to snap myself out of it I started the car.

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