Chapter 10

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I should've been angry, but it was almost impossible. She was so kind, so loving, so beautiful. So when she kissed me, my body trembled with need. The need to be with her. The need to hold her. The need to care for her.

It was so unexpected. I was so angry at Tom I would've ripped his head of there an then, Alpha or not. He didn't even deserve the title. He didn't deserve Niara. I wasn't saying I did. God no. But at least I was better than Tom.

She kissed me hard at first, I was still frozen in shock, until I moved my lips with hers, and wrapped my arms around her waist as she wrapped hers around my neck.

Suddenly, and too soon, she pulled away leaving each other slightly breathless. She smiled, and I could see the happiness shining in her eyes. It made my heart jolt.

I heard a noise behind her, glancing back, I realised Tom had gone. Niara looked up at me worried.

"Oh no."

I rubbed her shoulder, whispering into her ear, "He'll get over it." Before I pulled away fully, she buried herself in my chest, clutching me tightly.

"I'm so sorry." She mumbled into my shirt.

I rubbed her back, kissing the top of her head lightly. "You were drunk. We've all done dumb things." The anger was still there but it was numb and dying. The love I felt for this girl grew everyday from the first day I met her. I had this mask I would put on every time I felt like I was getting too close. But now, I promised myself I would be true to everyone. Especially Niara.

"I gotta go." She said, slipping out of my arms and walking away, glancing back over we shoulder, the blush clear on her cheeks.

"Bye." I whispered. The cold from being away from her made me shiver.


It was now the afternoon and I hadn't seen Niara since our encounter in the early morning. Nor had I seen Tom for that matter.

Mitch and Cam were still in there rooms, probably asleep, and I went nowhere near Toby's, knowing he had brought a girl round. She was most likely about to become his mate.

Jen was nice, she was quirky and bubbly, a little... simple, but that didn't really matter. I was happy for Toby.

I walked into the kitchen, stopping abruptly when I spotted a girl in her underwear, making some tea. She had dirty blonde hair and was really skinny, too skinny for me. I turned my back to her, clearing my throat.

"Oh sorry!" She chirped "I was just making some tea for Mitch." I felt her scoot pass me and back into Mitch's room. She popped her head back around the door, "I'm Harriet by the way," and she disappeared.

"Why are there so many girls in my place. What has gotten into these boys?" I mumbled to myself, turning and walking back into the kitchen.

"The alcohol." I felt someone's arms slide around my waist, squeezing lightly. I could smell her scent. Fresh apples.

I spun around in her arms, leaning my head down so that our foreheads were touching. "Where have you been?"

"Just out. To the library."

I raised an eyebrow, "Intellectual now are we?"

Niara slapped my chest lightly. "No I was just researching..."

"Researching what?"

She looked down. "Me..."

"Ah," I nodded sensing she didn't want to speak any more of it. I pulled her closer to me, leaning my chin forward to kiss her.

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