Silently Falling

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Suga clenched his fists.

That night....

Jisoo went out from the manor because she had to go for grocery and Jimin couldn't go with her due to his injuries.

She slowly walked and stopped when she felt like someone was following her.

Her mouth was covered by a hand.

"Hmmmmm!!" Jisoo struggled saying a word.

Then she discovered it was Suga.

Suga pinned her to a wall aggressively.

"Will you give up already?!!!" Jisoo shouted at him and she bursted to tears.

"I won't Rosé... For years I only yearned for you. I didn't even forget about you because I couldn't move on. I had so many sleepless nights thinking about you hurting me. And now, I couldn't take it anymore." Suga said.

Without any next words, Suga kissed her.

"Hyung? Rosé?" A guy said.

It startled Suga and Jisoo.

"J-Jimin?" Suga stuttered.

Jimin noticed tears stains on Jisoo.

"What's going on? You two have a relationship? I thought you were with Jin?" Jimin was puzzled

"Yes that's right. We are on a relationship" Suga grabbed Jisoo's wrist aggressively.

Jisoo pulled away and ran away crying.

Jimin followed after Jisoo.

Jisoo was now sobbing on a park bench.

"Hush now Rosé, what exactly happened?" Jimin asked as he sat down beside her.

"Marry me Park Jimin" She sobbed.


"I want you to marry me as soon as possible"

"All of a sudden? How about Jin? I couldn't understand a thing. Tell me."

"Your brother.....he loves me so much, but me and Jin are now together, he keeps on getting in the way, just now he forcibly kissed me. I want to stay away from me. I'm scared and so afraid." Jisoo's tears kept gushing out.

"Everything's gonna be okay. Alright I'll marry you Rosé, don't worry, I'll be here." Jimin said as he hugged her.

Jimin then stood up and piggybacked Jisoo.

Jisoo fell asleep on his back.

He then placed her on the bed.

He then looked at her.

Poor Rosé.....Jimin thought.

The next morning....

Jimin was busy reading a newspaper with glasses on.

Jisoo went downstairs and saw him.

"Oh, you're up? Go shower and change..we have to go find a wedding dress for you" Jimin said.

Mianhe Jin oppa, I have to do this to stop Suga from ruining both of us.....Jisoo thought.

At the company.....

"What brings both of you here? Is it about the marriage again?" Jimin's father asked.

"Ne Appa" Jimin answered.

"Mwo? You still don't want to? Aigoo." His father whined.

"Aniyo Appa, we finally decided to" Jimin said as he holds Jisoo's hand.

"Mwo? Jinja?" His father's eyes lit.

At Jin and Rosé's house.....

Jin woke up and stretched out. He went downstairs and smell an aroma of bacon.

He saw Rosé flipping sausages, bacon and eggs.

"Good morning" Jin said.

"Morning" Rosé replied

Just then she went to slice the onions, and her tears fell due to the spicy feeling, because of this, she couldn't cut the onions properly.

Jin hesitated to but eventually he went behind Rosé and started helping her, his hands are now over hers.

"You do it like this" Jin instructed.

Rosé blushed again and again.

Then finally breakfast is served.

" tastes good" Jin said.

"I learned it from you" Rosé said.

"You're becoming like Rosé again" Jin said.

Rosé gets hurt everytime she hears Jin talking about Rosé all the time, and she doesn't know why.

Just then, Jin noticed a cut on Rosé's finger.

"What is this?" Jin asked.

"'s nothing" Rosé lied.

"What do you mean nothing? We have to cure this" Jin said, then he stood up and got the medicine kit.

He then places band-aid on the cut.

Rosé looked at him.

Why does he make me fall for him. It's wrong Chichoo... He already belongs to someone else.....Rosé thought.

"Why are you so kind to me? Is it because I'm still Rosé in your eyes? Or because I am Jisoo?" Rosé asked.

Jin was surprised by her words.

"'s because I chose to. I feel your struggle becoming Rosé, I know you wanted to go back to your original appearance."

Jin stood up and grabbed his jacket.

"Where are you going?" Rosé called out to him.

"I'm going to grocery." Jin said.

"Now? Can I go with you?"

"No, you stay here, you need to rest for the day."

Jin then left the house

Seriously...... Why is he too overprotective?....Rosé thought.

〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰〰End of Chapter 〰〰〰〰〰〰〰

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