epilogue(part one)

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It's been two years with my lovely boyfriend and we've successfully completed college. I became a at home scientist and we live in New York City as he runs his father's old business. Let's just say he's rich.

"Come on babe, it's going to be a wonderful night, come on it's a date." He pleads.

"Yeah and how many have we already had?"

"I don't know over sixty." I laugh and he rolls his eyes.

"Come on its a date."

"Fine." I agree and he smiles widely.

He leaves to get everything ready and tells me I need to get ready like it's the last date we'll ever have.

I go to a stylist and she helps me with dresses.

"So what color would you prefer, Miss Brent?"

"Please it's, Chloe. And I'd like baby blue maybe." She smiles and goes into the back. I over hear women talking in the back of the stylist's shop.

"Yeah I heard that Devan Miles has been taken for a long time, who every he's with must feel like the luckiest woman in the world. He's so hot."

"Oh I know, I mean I love my husband and all but I think Devan Miles is absolutely stunning. I think I saw his girlfriend once. They were on a date at Rhymestone's."

"Was she pretty?"

"Oh my, no she wasn't pretty," I almost stopped listening because that one really hurt,"she was absolutely gorgeous. The most beautiful woman I've ever seen by far." I smile to myself.

"Isn't her name like Chloe Brent or something."

"Yeah, she's so pretty."

"Hey Chloe! I have your dress." The stylist yells and I walk up to the stage and the women look up at me.

"Are you Chloe Brent?"

"In the flesh and blood." I say smiling.

"Oh lord, you were right she's stunning." I smile and thank them. The stylist hands me a light blue dress that I totally loved. I put it on and it looked ravishing on me. I love it. I walk out and everyone there stares at me with wide eyes.

"Does it look good?"

"Your so beautiful!" The stylist said and I laughed. I handed her the money and went to the salon. Every girl needs to do her hair before dinner.

I had my nails done and my make up then I put the dress on and was read to go with a pair of white stilettos. I walked down to the car and got in. Devan said I'd be meeting him there. The drive drove for what seemed like half an hour. The car stopped and the door was opened for me.

I was at Rhymestone's it was where we had our first date.

I walked in and was directed to out table. I saw Devan stand up and he looked so amazing. He grabbed my hand and kissed my cheek.

"You look so amazing." He said dazed a bit.

"You took the words right out of my mouth." He laughed a bit and we sat and ate.

"Would you all like desert?" The waiter asked and I shook my head no. Suddenly romantic music played and people looked at us as Devan got out of his chair and kneeled down on one knee and pulled out a velvet box.

Is he proposing?

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