A major confession//his secret

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Ava Above^^


A few days ago everything went wrong, I woke up and knew I had gotten drunk because of the massive headache, I'm guessing one of my 'friends' left me the aspirin and water by my bed. I haven't seen anyone but my sister since.

Right now I'm on the couch catching up on some episodes of my current show when the doorbell rang. Dammit I have to get it, screw it! If it's a murder oh well.

"Who is it?"

"Matt." He sounded nervous so I just yelled come in and he came and sat on the other side of the couch.

"Ava isn't here."

"Thank the lord." He almost yelled with relief.

"What's wrong Mattie?" I ask turning off the tv.

"Can I tell you something." I think for a minute then nod.

"Uh well you see....I uh, DEVAN LIKES YOU?" He yells like he's asking me.

"No you avoiding the point, get to it Matt." I say simply.

"I like Ava." He whispers and I chuckle.

"We all know this, Ava is the only one who doesn't know." His face turns bright red and he stands up and runs out. Dammit I'm bad at this shit. Oh well.

"Hey sis why did Mattie just run past me?"

"Shit! Ava you scared the shit outta me." I say holding my heart.

"Stop, why was he running?"

"He had to talk to John about some boy shit he was rambling on about." She nods and walks to her room. She's probably doing her homework.

My phone dings and I ignore it. It dings again. It must keep singing for three hours at least. I gets annoyed and pick it up and see a group chat.

'Hey guys.' Devan. 3:45

'Hey Dev, who's the other person?'Max 3:55

'Chloe.' Devan 4:00

'Oh cool.' Delilah 4:01

'So what's up?' John 4:01

'John your brother is looking for you.'Max 4:02

'For what?' Warren 4:02

'Yeah what's wrong?' Delilah 4:02

'Something about Chloe being mean.'Max 4:04

'Oh okay.' John 4:04

'Let's all head to Chloe's house since she's not answering!' Warren 6:32

I look at the clock and see it's already seven, they should be bursting in my door any minute.

I was right, not a minute later they burst through the door. They all settle on the couch and we watch a show.

I hear foot steps and pause the tv.

"Ava, if you sneaking out it's a total fail. I know you going to a party and I don't care just go, oh and stay with Matt." I here her mumble okay and leave the apartment.

"Oh guys guess what!" I say smugly.

"What?" John asks excitedly.

"Delilah!" I exclaimed and she laughed a what.

"Mattie boy told me his little secret." I sat happily and they all stare at me blankly.

"He admitted it?" Max asks in disbelief and I nod slowly.

"OMG! Our little Mattie is all grown up." Delilah says in a baby voice.

"Oh man I hoped this wouldn't happen, he's going to be all torn up." John says sadly and we all agree, well besides Devan who is totally confused.

"What are you guys talking about?"

"Matt confessed his feelings, well partly. He told Chloe he had feelings towards Ava." We all did a happy dance and Devan just watched. Why does he keep smirking at me?

"Hey Chloe." Devan says smirking and everyone else makes scared faces.

"Yesss?" I ask slowly.

"Do you love me?"

"Hell no I fucking hate your guts." I say calm and right off the bat, it's nice to just tell the truth sometimes.

"There's a thin line between hate and love, plus you didn't say you hated me the other night, it was quite the opposite." My face fell and I looked at Delilah, I know she would tell me if I said that.

"Sorry Chloe, you did technically say you loved Devan." She said looking amused.

"Then again you said you were kidding." Warren says stupidly and Delilah and Devan smacked him upside the head.

"Dammit Warren we were trying to embarrass her." Devan says annoyed. After a minute we heard a 'oh' from Warren. We all ended up laughing, oh and I ended up letting Devan help me out with the bills since he's rich and I'm poor.

"We should try and help the boy." I say laughing a bit.

"She's your sister." John and Max say and I nod.

"I'll see what I can do."

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