Up in this club

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I ran until my eyes landed apon one of the clubs in New York, I went in and it was packed. I was glad. I went to the bar and asked for something strong. He handed me a drink and I downed it in one go.

"Wow, you can handle it good."

"Yeah thanks." I flirted with the bartender because that's how you get free drinks. One time I had sex with one and he gave me free drinks for a week. Wait I guess the alcohol is getting to me.

I grab another drink he sat in front of me. I think this is my ninth. I can't really remember.

"So mister bartender, what's been going on in your life?" I asks kind of tipsy.

"Well, my grilfriend broke up with me a few weeks ago. How about you?"

"I'm in college, a boy won't leave me alone, I haven't had a boyfriend since I was a junior in high school. My parents died when I was eighteen and I had to take care of my sister, my aunt never helped till last year when she gave me money, she just cut me off today. That's why I've been here, wait how long have I been here?" I ask looking for a clock.

"About five hours."

"Fuck." I say and stand up. I can't really stand up.

"Want me to call you a cab?"

"No I'm just going to the bathroom." I walk to the bathroom, again barley. I do my business and. Come out. I walk back to the bar and take another drink. I see a group of people walk in and sit at the other end, they aren't that far away, they kind of look familiar.

"Why can't we find her anywhere?!" A guy asks angrily and runs his hands through his....dark dark hair. His hair is dark like really dark. Ha that's fun to say, dark, dark, dark hair ha ha-ha ha.

I'm delusional.

"I don't know, we've checked every club and bar in this area. Excuse me!" A girl yells and waves at the bartender.

"Ah, hold on a minute." He yells back and smiles."I'll be right back m'lady." He says and walks towards them."how may I help you?"

"Have you seen a girl about this tall? Black hair, blue eyes, make up, these clothes?" I lay my head down and almost fall asleep.

"Uh, yeah actually, I've been talking to her all night. She's still sober I think." I hear a bunch of footsteps.

"Chloe!" A loud, angry, stern voice says.

"Yes?" I look up and stare at a handsome dark haired fellow.

"Omg! How do you know my name?" I say like I'm still a teenager, why am I acting like this?"

"Oh geez." A pretty girl says.

"Wow your handsome." I say reaching for the dark haired boy's face. He grabs my wrists before I can reach his face. What a party pooper.


~Devan's POV~

I held her wrist and then realized how close she was to me and turned away letting o of her wrists.

"Chloe, we have to go home now okay?" I said coldly.

"Why are you so serious? Why can't you lighten the mood. Man am I just now noticing how handsome you are?" She reaches for my face and this time I don't stop her. She runs her hands through my hair and then on my jaw. I groaned and everyone looked at me.

"Dude, are you sexually aroused?" Warren asked and I glared.

"N-no." I stutter and Delilah smirks.

"Is this dare going to go the opposite way? Wow, what did I say, you don't mess with peoples feelings." Delilah says like she just won the lottery.

"I didn't do anything." I exclaim.

"Uh huh let's pretend like nothing happened." Warren says smirking.

"Nothing did happen." I mumble and they laugh.

Chloe runs her hands down to my shoulders.

"Why are you so broad?" She asks like she's inspecting.


"Okay." Wow that actually worked.

"Devan-" Warren starts but Chloe cuts him off.

"OH MY GOD! I know a Devan, I hate him." She says and tries to walk away and Delilah laughs her ass off.

"Hates not a very nice word." I say and Chloe frowns.

"Oh sorry, than I'll fix it. I looovvvvveeee Devan." She says hugging me. I stood there speechless as she hugged me. Warren and Delilah just stared at her.

"Chloe?" Warren asks.

"Yes, mister?" She asks looking at him but doesn't let go of my waist.

"You love, Devan?" He asks in disbelief.

"Oh not literally! I just meant well, I meant I that he...I uh, I meant he's dead to me. Love is over rated, I loved someone once and they cheated on me." She says finally.

We drag her out of the club and brought her home, even though it was Wednesday we sent Ava to a friend's which just happened to be Matt and John's house. We sat Chloe on the couch and sat with her.

"So Chloe? A guy cheated on you?" Delilah asks.


"How so?" Warren asks and I sit there quietly as Chloe starts to explain.

"When I was seventeen, before my parents died I was in love with a boy named Travis. He was so sweat, hey I have his number. Maybes I'll hit him up."

"Chloe you off track." I say frustrated, what am I frustrated?

"Hey! You the guys from the club, can I touch you face?" She asks like a little kid and I don't answer so she starts rubbing her hands through my hair.

"Every time I had one night stands or dated people I never kissed them, so I've never hadn't first kiss." She says softly into my ear and a chill runs down my spine.

"I caught Travis in a stall with Mackenzie, she was our school's slut. I dreaded that day, but I didn't really feel anything because I never kissed him." She says to everyone then goes back to looking at my face."why do guys have such long and dark eyelashes?" She asks to herself more than anyone else.

"She's so wasted." Warren says shaking his head. I nod and Chloe grabs my face and straightens it so she can continue tracing a tattoo on my neck.

"You so cool." She whispers into my ear and lust takes over. She runs her hands thought my hair again and pulls them down and went over my face then my neck and chest. She took her hands away and I grunted.

"Are you sad she took her hands away too soon?" Delilah asks smirking and I flip her off.

I don't want, Chloe, even though she was really attractive the way she dressed today, I still don't want her....she's not attractive? Yeah she's not.

She leans over and our faces are inches apart, she closes the space and our lips are so close, I try to lean in but she pulls away and stands up. I grunt again and Delilah laughs.

"Dammit just go to bed, Chloe!" I say angry and she skips to her room.

"Damn, Devan. She's got you hooked." Delilah says laughing so hard and Warren is trying so hard not to laugh.

"Don't think I didn't see you lean in."

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