Bipolar much

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After I got home last night I fall right asleep, it's not Saturday so I have to go shopping, because all my leggings are getting too small.

My phone starts ringing and I don't pick it up, that's only because it's a unknown number. It stops ringing then immediately starts ringing again, when it stops my phone dings.

'Answer me Chloe'

'Who's me?'


My phone rings again and I pick it up.

"Hey girl." She says and I say hi back.

"Want to go shopping with me, I want to give you a small make over." I agree and she says she'll be here in a few. I get ready and then my door burst open.

"I'm here to help!" Delilah sings and we laugh.

"Okay girl, let's get going." We get into eh car and drive to the mall.

"Let's start with a new hair due, no more putting it up." I nod and we go into the salon. They style my hair so I can wear it down, they trim my hair and do my eyebrows. I didn't wear make up I only usually do mascara, I know how to do more but I just don't. I only know because my mom was a designer.

We went to a store and she picked clothes out for me, I tried them on and bought them. We finished shopping and she told me I should put more make up on. So Monday I'll have to do all this.


It's Monday and I woke up. I took a shower. I put on skinny dark blue jeans and a white loose shirt that showed off my curves. I put make up on and drives my hair. I clipped some and put on my gray hightop converse. I grabbed my black black pack and slung it over my shoulder, today it didn't snow so we were in the clear. I drove to school.

I got out of my car and people stared, I didn't like it so I looked down and then I felt people around me.

"Hey Chlo!" Devan chirped. The rolled my eyes and kept my head down.

"I don't like attention and that's all I'm getting since my birthday." I say bitterly and they all look at me.

"So you don't like hanging out with us."

"It's not like that," I mumble,"it's just that...I don't like attention and that's what you live and breathe. I'm not saying anything bad, it's just you guys get attention and if I hang out with you I will get spider attention to." I say quietly.

"Fine." Devan says angrily and storms off with his friends trying to keep up. I felt guilt for a small second then it faded as I remembered I hated Devan, even with his charming looks and sweet side sometimes I still hate him. He won't get to me.


At lunch break I sat outside. I sat at the bleachers for the soccer field, I got bored and started kicking my ball around.

"Can I see the ball?" I look up and see Devan. Why would he want the ball? To show off? Everyone knows he's the caption of the soccer team.

"Whatever." I mumble and kick it towards him and sit on the bleachers. He kicks it around some then sits beside me.

"How come your good at soccer?" He asks lightly.

"Because I almost had a scholarship for soccer." I sat quietly but he catches it.

"Oh. How come you don't?"

"Because. It's none of your business." I may have been mean by saying it that way but still it really is none of his business.

"Oh okay, I should go. By the way...hang out is after last class at your place, that okay?" I nod and he walks away. He's not that bad to hang out with but I'm not saying I like him.

I went and finished all my classes and headed home.


I got home and found my sister there.

"I thought you weren't coming home till tomorrow?" I ask and she shrugs.

"I wanted to hang out with Mattie today." I nod and she goes into her room and waits for him to get here.

I hear a knock and go to get it.

"Hey, Chloe!" Matt says as I open the door.

"Ava is in her room." He runs past me and into Ava's room."you'd think that kid is in love with her." I mumble and John laughs as everyone walks in. Devan walks into my kitchen and starts going through my cabinets and drawers.

"What the hell are you doing?" I ask as I walk in the kitchen.

"Why is the only thing in here you have is hot chocolate and candy canes?"

"Because we always eat take out." He shrugs and sits in the living room. Bipolar much.

Just as I was about to sit down I get a call from my one and only Aunt Suzy.

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