Always late to class

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I grabbed the mug and poured the steaming hot chocolate into it. I carried the mug to the living room and sat in front of the tv on the couch.

"Chloe! Catch!" My little sister threw the tv remote at me and I quickly caught it with my free hand and turned on The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. Yes, answering questions, it is winter.

"I have school tomorrow don't get too comfortable." I warn her and she laughs it off.

"Okay, I do too, I'm going to bed anyways. I don't want to watch The Grinch for a sixth time tonight." We both laugh and she walks away.

"Well it's just that good." I say sticking a candy cane into my mug and stirred it around a bit then pulled it out and put it in my mouth.

"Mmmm, peppermint." I moaned and drank the rest of my hot chocolate before it got cold. I slowly drifted off as I was watching where the grinch was coming up with a plan to steal all of presents, well actually to steal Christmas.


I woke up on the couch and grabbed my phone. It was six fourth-two.

"Ava! Time to get up!" I yell down the hallway and I hear her roll out of bed so I decide I should get ready for school. I run up stairs slowly and hop in the shower. I love when the hot water runs over my body and the air is cold, it makes all the frustrations of life feel like it's nothing. I should know.

I'm twenty one and my kid sister Ava is already fourteen, seems like yesterday when she was ten and we were standing at our parents funeral, I remembered her looking so sad and devastated. I had took her under my wing being the big sister I was. It was hard, I won't lie. Raising a ten year old while I was already eighteen was hard, I had to mange a job, school, homework, exams and I pretty much got no sleep. I alway had to help Ava sleep, she just recently got over her scary nightmares. Poor kid must be hard on her.

I get out of the shower and put on leggings and a silky black hoodie. I slid on my black high tops and dried my long black hair. I put my hair in a high ponytail and it didn't look like a total fail. I had a long sleeve shirt on under my hoodie because everyone knows it's cold. I grabbed my bag full of books and raced down the stairs.

"Ready, sis?" I ask as she puts her shoes on and nods. She grabs her bag and follows me out of our apartment. We go to my car and I drive her to school. I drive myself to college and park my car. When I was nineteen I got a scholarship to a great college and I moved along with Ava when she was eleven. We moved two states away from our home town leaving all of our friends behind and she willingly left.

I get out of my car and head to the doors of school. I walk in and nobody is in the hallways, just the way I like it.

I walk down the halls and quickly realize why the halls are empty, shit I'm late. I run down the hall and see my classroom door open, that means the teacher isn't there. I walk into class and people look up from their phones and conversations then go back quickly when they realize it's me. Yeah let's say I've done a good job being invisible the last three years. I sat in my seat and I got pushed out of the way while someone was walking.

"Fuck you." I snort, I look up and see Devan Miles. Shit I'm screwed. I didn't mean to say that it just came out.

I roll my eyes and sit down. He sits in his seat and glares at me. Get a grip Chloe he's just a boy, no he's no boy...he's a man. My hormones were off the charts, damn I guess I haven't had any in a while. I haven't done anything like that since I was eighteen. After my parents died I lost it, I used to go out drinking at night and sleep over at guys house and have a ton of one night stands.

"Okay, today we are studying the laws of physics, I'm sure you can all recall that right?" We nod and we start solving equations after we review physics.

Oh I'm a science major.


Most of my classes went by in a flash and were over. It was lunch break and everyone was outside eating. All the students were eating out by the court in the back with all the picnic tables, I never ate lunch. I would sit on the bleachers in front of the soccer field.

I was currently dribbling a soccer ball. I love soccer, I almost got a scholarship in my senior year, but I had to ruin it all by getting too hung over to go to practice the day my scout came.

"I can't believe I'm such a fuck up." I yell and kick the ball across the field. Suddenly the ball hit my ankles lightly. I swear I just kicked that ball. I look over to where I kicked the ball and there stood Devan Miles. He was a business major, yet took my class. He is like the heir to a huge, gigantic, ginormous compony.

"Sup beautiful." Did he just call me that? Yeah he did. I can't blame him, I have pretty, long,blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Seriously you think I'm that conceded? No I'm not, I'd never say something like that. And I don't have blonde hair.

I have my long black hair in the high pony tails from this morning and I had full blue eyes. Devan on the other hand had courageous green eyes and dark brown hair, it could easily be mistaken as black.(them below)

I roll my eyes at him and continue kicking the ball

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I roll my eyes at him and continue kicking the ball.

"Your pretty good at this." He says stealing the ball. I turn around and walk away. Dammit my name is on that ball, what am I Cinderella? I groan and walk to my next class because it literally starts...NOW!!!


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