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I'll explain what happened. This will be long, but I don't mind. I have to tell what happened.

It was the "Alice holiday". Inhabitants of Wonderland could get a break from Alice for a day. There was a huge celebration organised at the Castle, and even if I wasn't directly involved, it was always a hassle. I somehow had more liberty that day- or so I was supposed to. The Queen liked to keep me even closer to him than other days. I don't know if he thought he'd be in any danger, but I seriously doubt so.

The majority of people liked to have a free day from Alice. I didn't mind Alices much.

I've been thinking that he might actually be able to help me. Everything in this world evolves around Alice. If there was one person who could break my contract with the Queen, it was definitely Alice.

However, I wasn't about to do anything that day- until something changed my mind.

I was in the Queen's room. He was getting ready for the celebration that was in an hour. I hadn't changed my outfit or anything, but since he was the Queen, he had to look incredibly good for the event. I found it stupid, since he did not need new clothes to look good, but that was only my opinion. And this world, it was worth nothing.

"It suits you well, your majesty," said the maid finishing up the last touches of the outfit.

"The preparations for the party are almost complete," she continued. "Please forget the burden of your responsibilities and enjoy yourself for the day."

The Queen smiled. I didn't. The way women acted around him made me irritated. They liked him so much, it was ridiculous. How could they be so loyal to him? I couln't fully understand them.

"...If it's all right for me to forget my responsibilities..." he said softly, leaning towards the maid. "...then I've a personal request I want you to listen to..."

It made me sick.

For some reason, it made me terribly uneasy and kind of angry. Of course, that was why he had all those other beautiful cards... I was a mistake.

I had always been.

I didn't wait for her answer. I walked out of the room. Once I was gone, there was no going back. There was only one thing to do... I had to use Alice to help me become the Knave of Hearts. The Land Through the Looking-Glass was the only hope for me...

I escaped the Castle. Well, escaping wasn't the right word. No maid stopped me. It was my "home". It surprised me how easily I could just go away.

Probably because the price of disobedience was death.

I didn't care anymore, at that moment.

I reached the Hatter's residence. I knew he was at the party, and that Alice would be there for the day. The streets were empty. I was strangely happy to walk around these streets freely, yet I felt kind of weird. I was not used to this.

I knocked on the door and waited for Alice to answer. I pulled out my gun and pointed it towards the door. He would not be getting away from me.

Alice was surprised to see me, but knocking him out was still very easy. Carrying him back to the castle in the basement was a little harder, but there truly was no one outside, everyone being at the celebration.

I handcuffed him and left him down there while I got a bigger notebook to write on. I went back downstairs as I did so and to my surprise, he was already awake.

"I guess princes these days are into some pretty kinky roleplaying, huh?" Alice said as he raised his hands to show his handcuffs.

I almost smiled. Me, a prince? How wrong he was. I was merely a guard. And besides, I doubt I would ever be attracted to Alice. If I had kidnapped him, it was for a different purpose.

Jack of Hearts [Are you Alice?]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon