Chapter 30: Night Of The Mates

Start from the beginning

"I didn't want you to get hurt!" he argued back.

"No, you big buffalo, you just wanted to act all macho and block all the balls!" I argued back even if it wasn't true.

He placed his hand on his chest, faking hurt, "Wow! You are an ego killer, aren't you?"

I shook my head, crossing my arms, "I don't kill ego's babe!" I leaned in smiling, "I break'em!"

With that I got up skipping towards Carol, who was on the other side of the gym. It was like both sides hated each other, completely separated.

Well, except for me who was skipping to the other side with Will chuckling behind me.

"Carolina Mathews! I am here to propose and your hiding?" I asked in a teasing shock.

Everyone had a careful eye on me and I just ignored them, taking a seat next to the blushing Carol.

"So you wanna tell me what's going on?" I asked bouncing up and down in my seat.

Blame the sugar rush from the ice-cream! I loved sugar rushed! They made me feel all happy and invincible with energy.

"Huh?" she asked her red sweaty face, turning even redder.

"What's going on? Everyone is either tense or irritated!" I would have asked Will, but I needed a excuse to come and talk to Carol.

"Oh! They didn't tell you?" she asked and by my expression she continued, "It's the um.....some of the packs are coming over tonight so ummm......we can find our mates......."



That was really stupid!

"So why is everyone so tense?" I asked, not getting it.

The bell rang, though we remained seated as everyone left.

Carol cleared her throat, " some people are dating and when they find their mates.....the other can get pretty depressed," she said slowly.

Then it hit me. I tensed, frozen and not moving or breathing.

Was she saying that Will might find his mate?



"Eva!" Carol screamed again, knocking on my bathroom door.

After she had said what she said, I had bolted from the gym and had locked myself in my bathroom.

I had been in here for about 3 hours, and I had done everything to keep my mind off of tonight.

I took a shower, I sat in my bathtub, I combed my hair, I took a bath with the whole thing filled with bubbles, and anything my mind came over.

Carol had come and gone, though never longer than a couple minutes though I did manage to sneak into my room and grab a pair of black yoga pants and a black scope neck t-shirt.

"Eva!" Carol yelled again, her voice straining from yelling so long.

I heard her give a large sigh before leaving the room. I didn't care though.

My back was leaning against the door, my butt on the freezing floor with my arms wrapped around my legs.

Why was it that whenever I have my own piece of heaven, it must be taken away from me?

My wolf had been silent along with Brain for a long time, and for once I was grateful.

I didn't really want to speak now.

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