Come Back To Me

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Robin and Regina arrived to their Hotel - 'Park Plaza Country Hall'. The cab left them in front of the enter of the hotel. Regina and Robin carried their luggage to the reception.

"Good Morning, sir." Robin said kindly.

"Good morning to you, sir and miss! How can I help?" The receptionist asked.

"We have booked two rooms for Robin Locksley and Regina Mills...?" Robin started to explain.

"Oh, yes..." the man searched something on the PC in front of him. "Yes, Robin Locksley room 22 and Regina Mills room 23." The man shifted his gaze back to them giving them a bright smile. "These are you key cards..." he said handed them their cards. "Your rooms are opposite... they are on the first floor." He said without the big smile leaving his face. "There is the elevator. You can ring the reception for your every request." He finally convlufed.

"Thank you so much... have a good day." Robin said headed to the elevator.

Regina was right behind him. "Did you booked two rooms which are opposite from each other? Are you insane?" Regina whispered before stepping into the elevator.

"Excuse me?" Robin turned around facing her. He raised an eyebrow with curiosity.

"That's totally inappropriate!" Regina, now, was shouting not caring if someone could hear her because they were into the elevator.

"Excuse me?" Robin repeated trying to understand her problem with the opposite rooms.

"That's ridiculous, Mr. Locksley! We're colleagues... nothing more. We're not even friends for having opposite rooms. I want my privacy." Regina explained with her firm voice -once again.

"Ms. Mills... I can assure you that you can have the privacy you want so badly. I'm not going to bother you. I'm here just for work; just like you. The only moment when we have to be together -suffering from the other's company- is when we'll visit the Festival. Does it sound good to you?" He attacked back.

With his words, Regina's eyes widened. She didn't expected his cold tone and harsh words. Now the situation between them was just professional and typical. Nothing more and nothing less. She was disappointed, but she was realist, too. "That's sounds perfect to me... finally you had a good idea. I'm not going to let myself get used to it..." she sassed without leaving her harsh voice.

"You don't let yourself getting used to anything, anyway. That's not a new strategy." He was a hard-player.

She gave him a killing look. The elevator stopped and the walked out of it. Regina was walking fast, several meters in front of him, avoiding his glances and comments. She found the Room 23 and she, immediately opened the door. She entered her room slamming the door behind her. Robin, as he saw her actions, did the same feeling his nerves reaching the red.

Regina left her luggage in the big, wooden closet. She went to the bathroom tidying her toothpaste and toothbrush. She checked herself to the mirror fixing her hair. She walked back into the room. She sat on the edge of the bed letting a long breath, that she didn't know that she was keeping. She took her jacket off throwing it on a chair. She laid back to the bed. She found the remote control for the TV. She turned it on. 'Britain's Got Talent'? What time is it? Oh, it's a repetition! She thought. She watched the program for half an hour trying to clear her mind from Robin and that tension between them.

After that her phone buzzed.


From him?

Robin 😷😤
"Get ready, we're leaving in an hour."

She read that and without answering back she get up from the bed. She opened the closet where she had left her suitcases. She found a pair of black, jean trousers, a white blouse and a long, black and grey, warm scarf. She wore them and then she headed to the bathroom. She fixed her long raven hair, letting them fallen on her upper back with big curls. She applied her make up; black mascara and dark red lipstick. She walked back into the room finding her white converse. She put them on. Then, she grabbed her black sunglasses placing them on the top of her head.

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