A Date At Gusteau's

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Regina ran downstairs to the kitchen. She found Emma there.

"Em? What are you reading there?" Regina asked approaching her and finally sitting next to her.

"I'm looking for a beautiful dress for you, which would match with mine... you're my maid of honor... you have to be gorgeous!" Emma said excitedly.

"Well, I don't know what are you talking about..." Regina giggled. "I am gorgeous!" they laughed.

"What do you think about this one?" Emma said showing her a beautiful, white dress full of flowers.

"Aww! It looks like our garden..." Regina joked. "But it's beautiful." she smiled.

"Okay, then! This is your dress!" She said excitedly. "Now, what's bothering you?"

"Nothing..." she lied. "I have stress... I don't think that I can make it as the manager of "Miller's Books"..." she said looking down.

"Oh, Regina! Cut the crap! I'm not an idiot!" Emma yelled.

"Well..." Regina raised both of her eyebrows.

"Well, shut up!" Emma yelled again. "It is about Robin, isn't it?"

"No! It's not about Robin! It's about Graham!"  Regina said shyly.

"Regina, oh my God... who the hell is that?" Emma shook her head.

"A guy... a colleague..." Regina stood and tried to walk away but Emma closed her way.

"Regina... darling, what is wrong with you? Why are you unable to find a man, who's not you're colleague?"

"Daniel wasn't my colleague!" Regina shouted.

"Yes, but he was an asshole! Why are making your life a living hell?"

"I don't mean to... it happens..." she whispered.

"Well, do something for that!" Emma chuckled. "Now, tell me about Graham..."

"Um... he's alright..." she whispered.

"Are you two together?" Emma asked.

"Yeah... kinda..." she whispered once again.

"And he's alright? I thought that you always looked for the perfect one, not the alright one..." Emma said shocked by her friends decision.

"I know... he kissed me first... I didn't want that! We have a date tonight..."

"Regina, why did you keep doing this? You don't want that and you don't deserve to be sad. There's no one forcing you to do this. You don't like him! You like Robin and you're doing this for him! For making him jealous!"

"How did you know?" She finally shifted her gaze meeting her friend's.

"Because I know you!" Emma smiled.

"I want to take my revenge on him! I really want that! I'm going to our date tonight and I'll have fun!" Regina smiled wickedly.

"Regina, I don't understand you! You're looking for your happy ending but you're still trying to take your revenge? How about find him and talk to him! Make him understand that he hurt you..."

"No one hurts me!" Regina said with cold voice.

"Oh, he did! And you have a heart, even if you don't want to admit it." Emma completed.

"Emma, you can't tell me what to do! I'm an adult and I know what's best for me! Get it? Now leave me alone and go to your fiancé!" Regina said sharply headed upstairs to her room leaving a speechless Emma behind her.

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