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Regina and Robin returned from their travel. It was Monday -just after their travel. Regina blinked her eyes open. She woke up.

Look who's finally woken up..." Emma said as she saw her best friend -Regina- running down the stairs.

"Good morning!" Regina said with a wide smile. "How is the bride-to-be?" Regina's smile became more wide.

Emma's eyes fell on the ground. "I could be better..." she said with both of her eyes full of tears.

Regina approached her. She placed her hand onto Emma's upper arm. "Emma, what happened?" Regina asked with concern in her tone.

Emma sat down on the couch. "Today is the wedding rehearsal... just for the couple..." Emma started.

"Yeah... I know... what's the problem? Don't tell me that you have stress?!" Regina said.

"No! It's not that... Killian and me had a fight... it's stupid..." a sob escaped from her eye. "That was a stupid misunderstanding!" She said. "Killian said that he didn't want to come to the rehearsal today... and the wedding is on a week..."

"Go talk with him! You have to!" Regina said to her.

"Regina!? You don't listen to me! I said that I have a wedding rehearsal today..." Emma stood up right in front of Regina.

"I listen to you, darling! Listen to me! I go to work, pretending that I'm sick... then I take the say off and when you will be somewhere else with Killian, me and the gardener... what is his name? Oh, Jefferson! Yes, we will do the rehearsal..." Regina concluded.

"Regina, are you nuts? That's not gonna work!" Emma said not stop crying.

"Yeah, it does!" Regina smirked. "Go get dressed! Wear something sexy..." with those words, Emma giggled.

Regina ran upstairs. She opened her wardrobe. She wore a grey pantsuit and a white, buttoned shirt. She put on her black high heels. Then she applied her make up. Black mascara and dark red lipstick. She ran downstairs. "Emma! I'm leaving!" Regina shouted.

"Wish me luck!" Emma shouted back.

"Good luck!" Regina yelled as she was already walking out of her house.


"Mate! Welcome back!" John opened Robin's door of his office. He had a wide smile on his face.

Robin stood up, he hugged him. "How are you, Little John?" Robin said with this dimple, smile of his.

"I'm fine! I'm fine! Tell me... how was the trip? How was the boss?" John asked as he sat down opposite from Robin.

Robin sat back down on his chair. "At first, Regina was so mean with me and I didn't know why. Then she met Roland and I think that I'm falling so hard for her... John, she's amazing... you have no idea!" Robin said full of excitement.

"Yeah... I knew that you're in love with her. Now tell me more!" John said.

"I saw Marian and he made me so upset... but Roland came to sleep with me. Then he met Regina... and... and... even with Marian, Roland never felt so good." Robin smiled once again. But then this smile faded. "Marian didn't let me take Roland with me this week. She said that they'll come in a week. Her brother's getting married." Robin explained.

"Oh, I see..." John shook his head. "What about Regina? Where is she?" John asked.

"Whoah! Do you mean that she's not here?" Robin frowned.

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