You Are Adorable

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Knock knock

Roland jumped off of his father's lap starting running towards the door. "She's here, papa! She's here! She came! Open the door! Open the door!" The little one was shouting with excitement, as he was jumping up and down trying to reach the knob of the door.

Robin chuckled watching his son getting excited about a woman. What a woman, though? Robin headed to the door. He opened it. There she was. She was wearing dark, blue jeans and a purple T-Shirt. She was on her white converse again. Now her hair was up on a cute pony tail and her face was pure without make up except from a magenta lipstick giving her a teenage look. But what was happening to her? She was looking at him with anger in her eyes making him shiver. "Hi..." Robin breathed.

Her eyes fell on the little boy behind his annoying father. Her eyes shined with happiness and joy. She gave him a big smile, ignoring Robin and pushing him away letting herself walk into the room. "Hey, Roland! How are you, mate?" Regina said without leaving her smile. She lowered herself facing her little friend.

"Ginaaaaaa!" The boy let out a cute screaming that he didn't know that he was holding. He wrapped his little arms around her neck, hugging her tightly. Regina chuckled with his action, but before she knew it the gravity pulled them down. She fell on her back, holding Roland into her embrace placing them cautious on top of her stomach.

Roland laughed. Robin was watching them laughing and playing with each other, making his heart melt. Regina was cold to him... again. But her relationship with his son was precious. "Kid? What do you wanna do?" Regina asked as her laughter ended to a wide smile.

"I wanna play hide and seek!" Roland said leaning in placing a soft kiss on her forehead. She was surprised by that... but it felt amazing. A kid could make her heart ache because of the love it could offer to her.

Regina smiled. "Honey, we can't do that... the room is too small for hide and seek... that would be very easy!" Regina explained.

"Then we will play in the hallway..." Roland said making a cute impression, trying to convince her.

"I don't know... if your father, agrees..." she said. She turned her face watching Robin.

Roland was looking his father right into his eyes. "Daddy! Pleaaaaaase! Let us play in the hallway!" Roland pleaded.

Regina smirked at Robin, who wasn't sure what to say. "Yeah, daddy! Pleaaaase... let us play..." Regina said with a cute voice. She winked at him.

Robin sucked in a breath. Regina noticed it and she giggled, satisfied. "Fine!" He finally said trying to avoid the eye contact with the breath-taking woman in front of him.

"Yeah!" Robin yelled. He stood up pulling Regina from her hand, leading her out of the room. "Daddy! Come with us!" Roland said.

Robin was following them right out the room. He closed the door behind him. "I agreed, but we have to be quiet! We're not alone..." he explained.

"You're so boring!" Regina sasses raising an eyebrow not even looking at him.

"Yes, he is!" Roland agreed with her. "Papa, you're seeking! Me and Gina are hiding!" Roland said.

"Why me?" Robin complained.

"You're seeking, Mr. Locksley!" Regina said full of sass.

"Gina? You can call him Robin... I call him 'papa' because he is my papa..." he whispered.

Regina giggled. Robin giggled too. The couple looked into each other's eyes sharing a silent moment. "Okay! Let's start!" Regina said trying to cover her blushing.

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