Come With Me pt.2

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The wedding day is here and Regina was so nervous. More than Emma probably. That was the first time that she would present Robin as her boyfriend.

She was afraid that someone would judge her, because of her father's death. One month after the funeral and everything seemed so right in her life.

The fact that her father was sick many years now, was making the whole situation harder for her. She was thinking that she could be right next to him all these years, but she preferred her fake ex boyfriend who hurt her more that anyone in her whole life.

Robin and her didn't go further... stolen kisses at the work... fast make outs in her house when Zelena was somewhere far far away... maybe somewhere over the rainbow...

Robin didn't want to push her. She knew that and she was appreciating that. She wanted him and he was wanting her but her emotional being that moment was so complicated.

After all these thoughts in her head, she decided to get ready. So she put on her black dress with a red detail on the upper part, her black high heels were making her look so tall -but we all now that she wasn't- and she applied her make up; black mascara and dark red lipstick.

She run downstairs to find Zelena, ready and everything was on fleek on her. Her red hair in locks and a beautiful emerald dress we're making her look gorgeous.

"Gosh..." they both said together.

They giggled.

"You're a masterpiece little sis!" She smirked.

"Oh I know and I'm prepared to listen the whole speech from Robin, but let's talk about you..."

"What about me?" Zelena raised an eyebrow.

"You are gorgeous!" She smiled and she hugged her sister.

"Thank you honey..." she smiled back.

"Well, I'm sure that your secret boyfriend will love this dress!" Regina chuckled.

"Mmm... that secret boyfriend must be ver secret because I don't know him..."

"I'm sure that you'll find Mr. Perfect and I'll be there being proud of you..."

"You better!"

Suddenly the bell rang. They both jumped.

"Ohhh...Robin's hereeeeee!" Zelena said making a funny face. She ran till the door and she opened it.

There he was, fancier than ever and so handsome that she almost lost her senses.

"Hey mate..." Zelena said smiling at him.

"Hey Ze!" He chuckled.

"Please come on in..." she said gesturing at him.

"Where's my beloved one?" He asked looking around for a hidden Regina.

"Close your eyes!" Regina shouted.

"Okay" he lied.

"I said close them!" She shouted again.

"Do you have cameras in this-"

"CLOSE. THEM. NOW." She said and he could feel the death approaching.

"Okay Okay..." He said.

"He closed them!" Zelena shouted.

He listened some quick footsteps running to him.

"Now open them!" Regina said standing in front of him.

He opened his eyes facing a beauty. His mouth was open facing her.




"You said that again."


"Ok bye!" She turned on her heel, but she felt someone grab her from her upper arm and turning her around.

When she could face Robin again, he smashed his lips on hers, giving her a deep, passionate kiss.

"So. Darn. Cute." Zelena said making the stop and looking at her. "Sorry guys... well, I go to the car, I'll wait for you."

"No, no we're coming with you... we are late." Robin said taking Regina's hand into his walking to the car.

When they arrived to the wedding everyone was looking at the couple. Some of them were laughing at them, some of them were cursing her and some others were wispering some rumor to others.

"Everyone is looking at you..." Robin whispered to Regina.

"They're just jealous because I'm your girlfriend..." she said back smiling at him.

"Now everyone please be quiet. The ceremony is about to start." The priest said.

Every single whisper stopped. A beautiful Emma with a beautiful wedding dress shoes up and everyone was smiling. Regina was crying. When Emma passed in front of her, they smiled to each other.

Robin next to her gasped.

"What happened?" Regina asked.

"Is He Killian up there?" Robin asked back.

"You know Killian?"

"He's Marian's brother..."

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